ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun Tristan nodded at Emmalyn as he ran as fast as he could with Kaysha in his arms. Even though she was a second year, she was a very talented and gifted witch, and he wouldn't have anyone else covering him...except maybe an adult but at the moment they were all racing ahead of him to get out of the way before the fire wall was produced.
He was about to answer Kay when she noticed that Emmalyn was just behind them, running with him. "Not to worry Kay," he said with labored breathing, "She's keeping up just fine." Soon enough he made it to the area that the rest of the students and professors had run to, passing Ignatius without a thought, and was soon setting Kaysha down as gently as he could. "You stay right there, and Emmalyn stay with her, please." He quickly stood up looking around for Roderik. It was difficult to see, but he soon saw the Defense teacher and sprinted towards him.
Before he made it to Roderik however, he finally noticed Ignatius having a difficult time making it up the hill, and changed directions with a quick glance and nod to Hirsch. He stopped just next to the older gentleman and asked, "Ignatius, need help up the hill? Or something to drink?" With a flick of his wand he produced a cup and then with a quick Aguamenti, filled it. "Here drink this and breath for a moment." He handed the older man the cup.
Waiting for Ignatius to catch his breath enough to continue, his thoughts turned to the castle and how everyone was faring there. He hoped his friend wasn't hurt to badly, and it was taking his everything not to run towards the castle, but he knew his place was here.
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸ |