I love what you have made here!
What do you want? {a profile pic, signature, avatar, set, banner, manip?} Signature
What are the sizes, you would like? {I do standard maximum sizes if you don't specify. Signatures I automatically will do at 450x150 unless you say otherwise} Standard
What images? Large HQ Pictures. Or just the Face Claim, whichever! I’m perfectly happy if you choose a different picture for him.
Schweiger, Til What text would you like on your graphics, if any? West Riedel
Any colors you want or don't want? Darker, more serious look
Anything else? Thanks so much and I have another request
What do you want? {a profile pic, signature, avatar, set, banner, manip?} Signature
What are the sizes, you would like? {I do standard maximum sizes if you don't specify. Signatures I automatically will do at 450x150 unless you say otherwise} Standard size
What images? Large HQ Pictures. Or just the Face Claim, whichever! You are welcome to use a different picture for her, but please not from her younger years, Lucy is in her 50s
Steen, Jessica What text would you like on your graphics, if any? Lucy Gillings
Any colors you want or don't want? Lighter and happy feeling works for her
Anything else? Thanks again!!