| Ravenpuff | Part Ninja | Boat Rocker | Exhausted Pigeon | Fantastic! There would be food. That definitely made having a meeting on such a beautiful day more tolerable. “I volunteer as a test subject for all food choices.” His stomach gave out a little growl, as if on cue, before he slid his packet in for a closer look.
Moving right along, Victoria started discussing the event. He liked that about her. She kept the meetings going and didn't waste their time. “Dodgeball!” He said as he excitedly banged his hands on the table top. “Dodgeball is great. Plus, we could have kids doing water balloon fights either before or after the event to give them some fun.” No matter what the sport, most younger witches and wizards would grow tired of watching adults play. They needed to feel like they were part of it. “We could also go with football or soccer, but seeing people hit with balls is great entertainment.”
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