The Inferi hanging onto the adult (Noble) were blasted by numerous fire spells from the other humans. One burst into flames before their very eyes, looking like a large bonfire of fire and bones. The other fell to the ground in the struggle. There was a moment of pause... a moment of bliss... before the Inferi latched onto the adult's ankle.
Fire raged on. War raged on.
Some more Inferi were forced to sink back into the depths of the water from the force of the spells. Fire blazed the surroundings, with one missing the dead corpses and setting a nearby bush on fire. It lit up the sudden whoosh of a tentacle.... a tentacle that slapped two Inferi back and into the lake.
But the numbers didn't feel like they were dwindling down.... no, this was just the beginning...
The Inferi were starting to grow restless.... and it showed. In their frustration, some gnashed at the small humans, displaying those sharp, rotting teeth. Even more latched onto the small humans, holding on tight. They were going to be taken into the lake if they had to...
Last edited by INFERI!; 07-25-2018 at 09:20 PM.