Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Paul was not too busy today; he had much on his mind, but very little to do. It was a bad combination, and it made Paul want to just pace around all day. It was good exercise, but it was not good for the mental health. It drove him insanely anxious.
When the knock came from his meeting space, he rushed into the very cool toned room and opened the door, smiling a little, albeit tiredly, at Isa. "Hello m'dear. Come right in." Oh good, he was here! Isa grinned as the professor opened the door. He looked more tired than usual. ”Hello, Professor. Perhaps we could sit down for a cup of tea.” How long had Professor Myers been teaching here? Isa knew that he had started teaching here when her sister Penelope went here. Myers must have been getting old by now. Isa looked around at the fish as she entered the meeting space. It was nice and relaxing to watch the fish and the aquatic scenery never got old. Where should she start? There was so much that she was thinking about and wanted to say. ”As you know, I went to Brazil last summer and participated in herbology research. I think this is really what I want to do in life, working with rare plants and experimenting in uses for unusual plants.” That was probably getting old by now. Over the past six years she had probably told Professor Myers a billion times how she wanted to be a herbologist. The difference now was that she had some sort of idea of what location she wanted to go to and what sort of work in the field she was interested in. ”As far as I am aware, there is not a wizarding university campus in Brazil, and I’m wondering if university is really the right way to go at all. Do you know if there are herbology programs in Brazil that would serve as an alternate to university?” She had fully been expecting to apply to a wizarding university to study herbology because attending university was just the expectation from her family, but many of the herbologists she had spoken to had said that they had completed apprenticeships or other ways of studying herbology without attending university. She could always go to a proper university for a graduate degree program or something later if she wanted to, right? ”Do you know anything about Hogwarts-Castelobruxo exchange programs? I’m interested in maybe going to Castelobruxo for a term next year. I don’t know how that would work out with NEWTs and everything though.” Basically she just wanted to go back to Brazil for the amazing plants.
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