Text Cut: Emmalyn
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Just after she had entered the room, the door promptly shut behind her. It was pitch black. Darker than any place she'd been before, and her eyes desperately tried to widen enough to let any speck of light in. No such luck would be had. It was completely devoid of light.
If only she knew how to cast a good lighting charm, but without being able to see and considering how horrible her luck was with spells, she didn't dare try. Instead, she held her wand out, as if in a warning to anything that may approach, and used her ears to try and orientate herself to her new surroundings.
Then there was the shuffling. Her head whipped to the left, but as soon as she tried to locate the source, it moved again. Her heart pounded and she froze in place, not wanting to give whatever it was a better reading of her location. The shuffling was moving all around her and her level of panic was swiftly rising. Maybe going through the door wasn't the best idea after all.
The shuffling continued and she knew she had to do something. Willy nilly casting protection spells wasn't an option for her, but trying to track the shuffling sound and pouncing on whatever it was seemed like a good idea. Her ears strained to catch the slightest of movement, she listened left, then right before hurtling her body towards the place she heard the most movement and hoped to land upon whatever it was.
Taking out the source of the shuffling completely Muggle-style was a very brave move. Not only did the source fall over, but she did as well. Both toppled onto the ground with a loud, resounding THUMP!
The source wasn't going to stop there. It wriggled, tried to move out from under her grip. Even tried to move
her out of the way.
Will you let it go?
Text Cut: Dorian
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Dorian hadn't even bothered using magic to illuminate the classroom. He figured that if the older students weren't able to he certainly couldn't and it was probably for a reason.
Instead, his blue eyes were looking at the other side of the room where multiple doors were and above them were names shining in bright letters. It didn't take him too long until he found his own name and he sighed. Part of him wanted to leave and go to the library or the common room. The professor wasn't even here, he wouldn't find out if he left...right? But this was a class and as much as he did not want to go to his door, Dorian still did because he was a good student who followed the rules!
Standing in front of it, he Ravenclaw had long ago zoned out the rest of the group and took out his acacia wand. What he was going to do with it, he had no idea. He didn't even know what was on the other side of that door and he hated it that he was curious to find out. This was defence class, certainly there wouldn't be any kittens on the other side of the door.
With another deep sigh, Dorian used his non wand hand to push open the door but before his hand made contact the door creaked open and the fourteen year old had the feeling that he was stepping in to a haunted house.
Stepping inside, he hadn't taken a couple of steps before the door closed behind him and he jumped, startled by the sudden noise. The room was pitch black which of course heightened his fear and as he walked he held his arms in front of him giving him the appearance of a zombie.
When he heard something shuffling somewhere in the room, Dorian stood still. His eyes were wide open and he seemed to have been frozen. When the shuffling went behind him he spun around so quickly he actually made a pirouette A non elegant one. Maybe....maybe if he stood veeeeery still, whatever it was that was in the room with him would go away?
So he stood still, trying to not even breathe too hard. CAUSE HE WAS FREAKING OUT silently
If this was his tactic on getting rid of the source, it wasn't going to work. Not only did the shuffling continue, but it also started getting louder and louder...
Was this normal? Or was the source of the sound getting closer?
Think fast.
Text Cut: Chloe
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The door might be open, but Chloe still hadn't heard anyone tell them they should enter the room with their name on it, and it was awfully presumptuous to go wandering out of the classroom without the professor telling them it was okay. She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, an impatient gesture that was at odds with Chloe's normally bubbly personality.
"Hey... door?" Chloe eased closer to her room and tried not to jump at the sound of the shuffling from inside the dark space. "If it's okay to go in the room without the professor saying so, could you like... give me a sign? Wave or something? 'Cause otherwise..." She crossed her arms again and didn't move any closer.
The shuffling from within the room continued, as if whatever was inside was eager to approach its target. In fact, she might be able to notice a vague, darker black figure moving around from inside the room. Exactly what it is remains unclear....
Could a door wave? No. But after a moment's pause, it did start moving back and forth a few inches.
Was that her cue?
Text Cut: Daisy
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Daisy gave a slight start as "her door" shut behind her and she was submerged in total darkness. As if this wasn't horrible enough, she could hear shuffling sounds from all around her. She tried Lumos Maxima which had no effect. She was going to attempt a spell. When she heard the shuffling once again, Daisy aimed her wand and cast, "Impiriano!" to hopefully provide some kind of barrier.
She bit her lip nervously. Maybe the shuffling was from a Lethifold and she needed to do a Patronus Charm. Would that be seen as a lumination spell? Daisy's mind was racing.
The use of Impiriano was a very clever one because the source of the shuffling
was a physical object. It grew louder and louder and tried to approach her but to no avail. But be careful, young Hufflepuff, that shield isn't going to last forever...
And no, it wouldn't.
Text Cut: Patrick
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Patrick had stopped right inside the main door before class had begun, this was exactly how that lesson his first year began. Dark, mysterious objects in the room and no Hirsch yet. Great, he was going to die again today. Would he even be noticed if he just casually waited by the door until Hirsch arrived and maybe added some light to the room?
Sure, his name was on the door closest to the left, but he'd be absolutely nuts if he decided to walk right through that door like he had walked through the cave. He got closer, noticing that the door swung open, "Nope, not happening. I refuse to allow myself the opportunity to die again." he mumbled under his breath.
Better safe than sorry, eh?
Although, the door was still open and therefore, he still had the opportunity to glance inside the dark room. Nothing substantial could be seen, but he might be able to notice a figure shuffling around from within the room....
Text Cut: Josephine
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Josephine glanced up at the door that had her name on it as it swung open, Oh great, what bogeys are they having me fight today? She gave a wince and slowly... VERY slowly walked through the door. She shook trying to cast lumos, to no avail. Nope... Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. She was not doing this. She turned to run out, only managing to smack into the door as it slammed closed.
"Great... So I'm really going to just die here?! What are you guys going to tell my parents about this?!" She looked around the room she was trapped in trying to see where the scuffling was coming from. Her breathing got heavier and she stayed up against the door, at least whatever was running around couldn't sneak up behind her this way.
Maybe I should just start writing my will now...
Maybe staying up near the door was a good idea. The source of the shuffling couldn't sneak up on you from behind, could it?
But that wasn't going to stop the source from shuffling ever closer. The sound started to get louder and louder as whatever it was started to shuffle ever so closer.
Lumos might not work but something else might...