Transfiguration Lesson Two: Serpents and Flames
As Celestia bent over her oaken desk at the front of the classroom, marking yet another ream of homework, she glanced towards her watch and noted that she had only five minutes until the clock would strike nine. She gathered up the stack of parchment and promptly locked into a drawer of her desk, before her brown eyes roved the classroom.
It did not much resemble the usual rows of desks that formed neat lines across the classroom. All of the desks seemed to have vanished except for her own. In their places stood lines of plump, red cushions on the floor for students to sit on. The other usual trappings of the room -- the tea table, the four pillars of bluebell flames in the corners -- had been removed as well, giving the room a strangely bare feel. There was no denying that the room now resembled more of an empty, open space than anything else.
There was one other peculiar feature about the classroom today; the floor had a fluid, spongy quality that made for a slightly bouncy experience as it was stepped on. Normally, Celestia would have warned students as they entered about the strange floor, but she felt slightly...unnerved by the quality of the homework she'd just been marking, and the spells she'd cast upon the floor slipped her mind completely.
As the clock finally struck nine in the morning by Celestia's watch, she waved her wand carelessly at the classroom door and allowed it to CREEAKK open. Much quieter than her usual BANGs, but then Celestia meant to set a more serious tone for this particular lesson. OOC: Welcome to the second OOC Transfiguration lesson of the term! I'm sorry for the late notice on this one. Feel free to jump in at any time! Simply pretend that your kid has been here all along to avoid IC consequences for being late. LESSON PROGRESSION: Arrivals and Questions 1 and 2 Lecture and Mini Activity Main Activity Instructions |