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Old 07-12-2018, 02:13 AM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Oct 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Dorian! <3
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Because this was still a lesson despite the late hour (he usually went to bed around 11 pm) Dorian had taken a nap before class so that he would be more energized.

Was that a mistake? Yes....

Instead of feeling energized, the fourteen year old felt even more sluggish and he hid a yawn behind this hand as he entered the classroom where they would gather first. "Morning" he greeted as he dragged himself inside and forced himself to not let out another yawn as he looked at the professors who seemed to have packed numerous bags for them all. He'd be impressed if this hadn't been a magical school cause surely they had done this with the use of magic.

Since there were no desks, Dorian sat down on the ground against the wall and crossed his legs. "I'm going to meditate" aka continue his nap till the others arrived.

The first arrival happened to be Dorian. Kay was tempted to giggle a little at his greeting but that would be unprofessional. Instead, she settled for a grin. “Good evening, Mr. Katharos! I suppose it’s fine for you to catch a snooze before we leave... if your classmates will let you.’’ More of them were arriving and things were bound to get noisy soon.

SPOILER!!: Daisy! <3
Originally Posted by Ginevra View Post
Daisy entered the Charms classroom, carrying with her two bags which she had bewitched with an Undetectable Extension Charm in order to fit her supplies. "Hello!" Daisy greeted both professors with a smile. Her eyes then fell upon Dorian who seemed to be asleep. She just shrugged her shoulders and found a spot near a wall.

“Hello, Ms. Swann,’’ the woman said with her grin still in place.

SPOILER!!: Rylee! <3
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
A camping trip as part of a lesson?!

There was noway she was going to miss this. Rylee had waited for this day to arrive the moment she had heard about the lesson. Camping was something she loved to do. Nothing about it bothered her, fishing, sleeping on the ground in a sleeping bag beneath the stars, building a fire and then sitting around it cooking fish and making s'mores. It was always a great time for her and now she would get to be with all her friends too. She was definitely very excited.

The second year had on her jeans, hiking boots and large hoodie for comfort, her ginger locks left to hang down around her shoulders. With her bag slung over her shoulder that held everything she would need she entered the classroom with a bright smile on her face. Nothing was going to get her down and ruin this. "Good evening, Professors!" Rylee chirped excitedly. "Hi, Daisy," she offered the older girl a friendly smile and a wave.

A quick look around the room showed piles of camping things around and Dorian how was...sleeping? She was sure but she made her way over and sat down near him on the floor. "Hey, Declan." There was a playful smirk on her lips as she whispered the greeting, dropping her bag from her shoulder and setting it down on her lap. It was a good thing it was charmed to not only be super light but also with an extension charm her older sister had placed on it for her. She had certainly packed a ton of things into it earlier in the day when she was getting ready for this lesson/camping trip.

Here was someone who was excited about this trip. Kay could tell instantly. She winked at her Quidditch pal. “Hello, Ms. Prichard! It’s great to see you.’’

SPOILER!!: Skylar! <3
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
So admittedly Skylar was befuddled by the combination of Charms and Muggle Studies, for a simple reason that Muggle Studies forbade wand use. That and the combination lesson was taking place on the weekend. Now had this been months ago, it probably would have been a welcome distraction but with less then three months until graduation and NEWT exams, every moment she wasn't in scheduled classes or quidditch practice was accounted for with study preparations. Although technically this could be considered a scheduled class, but classes didn't ordinarily take place on the weekend. But it was fifty percent charms, which made all the more tolerable.

Dressed in comfortable clothes, wand holstered, hair pulled back in the usual mess of a state lately, Skylar headed to the charms classroom. Void of the usual desks and refreshments. Huh? Well she supposed it made sense, maybe.

"Hello Professors," she greeted of the pair.

Kay stuck her hands in her jeans pocket. It was purely out of habit not for the lack of having nothing much to do at that moment. “Hello, Ms. Diggory!’’

SPOILER!!: Lyn! <3
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom View Post
It was Saturday night and she was ready to party. She bounced into the classroom, ready to get things started and halted at the sight. Her eyes darted around, taking in all of the piles of supplies, and wondered what exactly she had gotten herself into.

After quickly recomposing herself she flashed a bright smile and headed towards Daisy and Rylee. "Good evening Professor Stewart, Professor Marchand. Looks rather interesting in here. Those bags seem mighty small for all those supplies, but I bet there's some charm involved to make it work." Once she said it, she regretted it. She knew that there was a charm involved. Of course there was. It was a charms and muggles studies class. There were bound to be charms going on all over the place.

Moving right along, she focused her attention to her friends. "Hey Daisy, Rylee. How are you ladies doing this fine Saturday evening?" Her eye caught the Slytherin captain "Hi Skyler!" she gave a little wave to the older girl.

There she was! Kay knew that Lyn would not miss this lesson for reasons. “Good evening, Lyn. I hope you’re ready for a good time.’’ The professor was even more protective and caring for the Hufflepuff now that she knew how difficult certain aspects of her life were. But Kay gave away nothing when it came to speculation about the lesson. “You’ll be finding out soon.’’ Cue the wink.

SPOILER!!: Gunnar! <3
Originally Posted by emjay View Post
Gunnar admittedly enjoyed camping as well as many other outdoor activities, but that didn't change the fact that this was class, and on a Saturday of all days! Weekends were supposed to be reserved for free time and doing what he wanted. Not for having to go to class, no matter how much fun it was meant to be. So this really better be fun.

He noted that the classroom was devoid of the usual furnishings as heis eyes landed on the ordered piles of camping supplies. That made enough sense to the thirteen year old. He mumbled a greeting to both professors as he headed inside and nodded to a few that he knew as he passed them before going over to stand near his Quidditch captain.

Was that a mumbled greeting? It certainly seemed so. Kay, however, returned a cheery “Good evening!’’ to Gunnar.

SPOILER!!: Juni! <3
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Juni was pretty much over the moon excited about this camping trip lesson. It was about time that she had a truly relaxing lesson and this could be it. Hopefully this was it. Although she had never really really been on a camping trip she did enjoy camping or the things you did on a camping trip, hiking, bonfires, sleeping in. She wasn’t sure if that happened on camping trips but she would be the one to sleep in late while camping.

The fifth year headed into the charms classroom, which did not look much like a classroom at all at the moment. It looked just like what they were getting ready to go do. Camping supplies everywhere. It was probably also a good thing that she had dressed comfortably too. Hoodie, stretch pants it was almost like she was dressed for quidditch practice or just a day in the common room.

She smiled at the professors ”Good evening professors.” She head on around with her bag over her shoulder. She scanned the room to see who was here already. Once she seen the Slytherin captain and little Chloe’s brother, Ethan was his name right? Anyway, she walked over to Skylar. Smiled, ” I think this should be an interesting lesson, don’t you?” She hadn’t had much time to see her or speak to her in awhile, so now Juni was just going to take the time and hang out with her friend this lesson.

The fifth year also got a warm welcome. “Good evening to you as well, Ms. Primeaux!’’

SPOILER!!: Stasya! <3
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Camping was fun. Not that Stasya had gotten to go camping very much in her life, aside from sometimes being allowed to camp out on the beach near home overnight. But this was actual real camping, or at least that was what she’d assumed from the notice that had been posted about this lesson. The only difference this had from other field trips was the fact she was hoping there wouldn’t be any attacks. At the very least, she doubted there would be grindylows to deal with this time. Therefore, it had been a relatively excited tall blonde forth year who had made her way up to the Charms classroom after dinner, comfortably dressed in a long-sleeved t-shirt (that may or may not have had a unicorn printed on it), skinny jeans and boots, a fuzzy pink hoodie stowed in her school bag along with her prefect badge and a fresh stash of cookies. Just in case.

She had blinked in response to the state of the classroom as she’d arrived, though. Not that her surprise had lasted long, since it was Hogwarts, and she’d assumed they’d actually be having class outside. Camping and all. “Good evening Professor Marchand, Professor Stewart,” she greeted the two dark haired professors with a smile, heading deeper into the piles of supplies before finding a place to sit on the floor near one pile. That and giving the other students in the room a smile, plus a wave at Skylar. The Slytherin girl didn’t look very good…

How wonderful was it to see so many excited faces? They certainly made Kay feel even happier and she hoped she and Gaston wouldn’t disappoint. “Hello, god evening, Ms. Dalgaard- Volkova!’’

SPOILER!!: Chloe! <3
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
CAMPING? They were going CAMPING? Chloe bounced into the classroom and gave both professors a huge grin, although they were wrapped up enough in their preparations that she might have gone unnoticed. Chloe waved anyway. "Hullo, professors! This is all for us?"

Chloe paused over one of the piles, and she took silent inventory without touching anything. Were they allowed to touch? Should she try for one of the piles with a tent? DID IT MATTER? Also, wasn't it weird to start out this late?

Another grin spread across Kay’s face when she caught sight of the girl. Chloe was practically bouncing. “Good evening, Ms. Kettleburn! That’s right and there’s more than enough for everyone.’’

OOC: My peoples! Welcome to this joint lesson that Rhi Bear and I have put together! We know your kiddos are going to have a great time! So, sit back and chillax! The lesson will be soon starting when Rhi posts Gaston Until then, arrivals are still welcome.
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