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Ginevra Daisy decided to make the classic French dessert Tarte Tatin. She remembered this recipe by heart because her mother and aunt taught her how to make the dish. She aimed her wand at the refrigerator and cabinet and using the Summoning Charm, gathered some red apples, a lemon, some vanilla sugar, a bit of unsalted butter, French puff pastry and some cream. She also had on the table in front of her the necessary utensils.
Daisy was ready to begin. First was the apples. She aimed her wand at the apples and moved it in a spiral motion as she said, "Decortico!" The six apples were now peeled. She moved her wand in a circular motion around the apples as she said, "Extractum!" This resulted in the apples being peeled. Daisy used the Severing Charm to cut the apples into quarters. After placing the apples in a large bowl, Daisy cut the lemon in half using "Diffindo," and squeezed some juice over the apples and added about 200g of the vanilla sugar.
Gaston had some spare time on his hands and decided a trip to the bistro was in order. Some coffee (and maybe an eclair too) was just what he needed! And besides, he needed to check in on things anyway! He peered into the room. So far, everything looked normal. The tables and chairs were neatly in place and all the drinks and pastries fully stocked.
He helped himself to a cup of coffee and grabbed an eclair on his way toward the kitchen area. It was only then that he noticed Daisy, and he beamed as he watched her peel and core her apples.
"Hello, Daisy!" he greeted.
"Excellent spellwork!" His bright blue eyes scanned the ingredients on the table, and he wondered if she was making what he thought she was.
"What recipe are you making?"