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Hogwarts RPG Name: Bramble "Bram" Wyatt Lennox Graduated | ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun SPOILER!!: All Y'all Quote:
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom Moving along, the lesson continued. After a flick of his wand, a giant tank appeared with the hippocampi. They weren't flying seahorses, but they did look like giant sea horses, and that made her very happy. Wishing she knew more about them, she put her hand in the air to give out what she did know. "Sir, the hippocampus is kind of like a giant seahorse. I love seahorses. Can they also fly like my favorite flying seahorse?" It would be really great if they could and part of her momentarily reconsidered her no entering the water decision. Tristan nodded along with Emmalyn's answer letting her know that he heard and understood her. "Yeah...they kinda are but not really seeing as Seahorses aren't actually part horse. But Seahorses, and especially Flying Seahorses are pretty cool. Unfortunately, Hippocampi cannot fly. It would be really awesome if the could though." He said with an encouraging smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by debpetrisor It was difficult to pry his eyes away from the hippocampi to look at professor Wayland again when he'd asked them a question. Grinning, he raised his hand and said, "The young ones are called tadfoals," which made no sense whatsoever, but who was he to question it. "Tadfoals are born in large, semi-transparent eggs." And now he wanted to see a baby hippocampus, too. Tristan smiled and nodded, "Very good, Daehyun. That is correct. Maybe one day I can see about a field trip to the Sanctuary so we can check out some Tadfouls and the Hippocampus eggs one day." He gave the young man a wink before moving on to the next hand in the air. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander There was a soft giggle from her at Wayland's response to her answer. "Will we get to work with them someday during a lesson, Professor?" They were a creatures she wouldn't mind getting close to in the water since they meant no harm.
Raising her hand and pulling her gaze away from the tank and back onto the professor she gave her answer, "They can have different eye colors making each one unique and unlike the others." She liked that fact honestly. Just like the color of the Hippocampus' skin. Lowering her hand she shifted her attention right back onto the tank hopeful to maybe make eye contact with one of them inside. What were they thinking being inside that tank? Were they afraid. Rylee really hoped not. Maybe they were as curious about her as she was about them. "Maybe one day, Rylee." He said with a wink. Soon enough she was raising her hand to answer the new question. He nodded and smiled. That was a very interesting fact about Hippocampi. "Very good, Rylee. Much like human eyes, Hippocampi eyes vary in color." He said with an encouraging smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju "Oooooooh!" She exclaimed, suddenly very interested in that massive fish tank with cool looking hippocampi in it. "They look amazing!" That was all she knew about them at the moment, actually.
Anna's eyes widened as she heard Rylee's answer about their eye colour.Those creatures were getting more interesting by the second! The Gryffindor started to inch towards the stairs that led to the observation deck as that was way more appealing than standing there just talking. Tristan heard Anna comment on how amazing the creatures looked and smiled. Hippocampi were one of his favorite creatures. They were so beautiful and mesmerizing, so it didn't surprise him to notice a few minutes later that they young Gryffindor was inching her way closer to the tank. "Anna," He called out, "we aren't going to the tank quiet yet, please have a seat for a few more minutes. Thank you." He made sure to keep an eye on that one. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Therefore, she’d been noticeably grateful when the subject of the lesson had proven to be hippocampus. At least those were relatively docile, in the way winged horses were and regular horses. Answers had already begun being offered, yet she raised her hand still. “Hippocampus are native to the Mediterranean, but they’ve been found here in Scotland too. Merpeople like domesticating them just like we domesticate horses, and they come in all sorts of colors just like other horses except hippocampus tend to be colored in water tones,” she offered. Okay, maybe that was more than one fact, but it had actually all been semi-related. Tristan nodded listening intently to Stasya's answer. He gave her a grateful smile and replied, "Very good, Stasya. They are native to the Mediterranean around Greece to be more specific and the only reason they have been found here in Scotland is because of the Merpeople domesticating them, and Yes. Their coloring is differen't water tones. My favorite Hippocampus was a Turquoise color like the water in Bali. So lovely." He sighed and shook his head with a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo “They’re classified XXX by the ministry which means as long as you’ve got common sense and know what you’re doing, you won’t get yourself maimed or killed.” Competent wizards could cope. Same thing. Was this his way of saying he considered everyone in the class equally competent?.....Because she may have had a few reservations about that. None she’d say aloud but they were there all the same. Tristan sighed again. He was definitely going to have to have a chat with Jessa. She wasn't in a great mood today. He wasn't sure if it was because of lack of sleep or if something was going on but she really wasn't helping with comments like that, especially after what happened at the Creature Companions activity. "Thank you, Jessa." Was all he could manage to say, and he gave her a small worried smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin OOOOOoooooOOOO. Chloe bounced and applauded at the appearance of the hippocampi. They were just gorgeous, and Chloe would happily stand here all day and watch them just exist. They didnt have to do tricks or notice her or be engaged with her in any way. Just... being out there was perfect.
It made up for her mistake about kelpies. The professor was forgiving, at least, and Chloe wasn't going to dwell on being embarrassed for too long. "They're perfect, sir. Do they have names?" Tristan smile at Chloe's comments. Hippocampi were pretty close to perfection. He really enjoyed working with them. "That they are, Chloe, and yes, they do have names but I will tell you those in a few minutes." He gave her a wink and checked around to see if there were anymore hands in the air. When the last student with their hand raised finished answering, Tristan moved closer to the blackboard. There would be a few things they were going to need to write down now. As he spoke, the most important facts magically appeared on the board. "Very good answers everyone! Now, I want you to write down some of the information I am about to tell you because it may come up on your exams or if you are taking the OWL or NEWT examinations this year it may show up there." He paused to let that sink in, and to gather his thoughts. "The Hippocampus, plural Hippocampi, are native to the Mediterranean Sea, mostly around Greece. As you can see, they have the head and forequarters of a horse and the hindquarters and tail of a fish. They can breath above and below water because they have lungs and gills similar to the Lungfish." He paused to let that small fact sink in. Not many people knew that about this interesting creatures.
Tristan quickly continued as the Blackboard caught up to him, "As Stasya said, Hippocami can vary in water tone colors from deep, dark blues to light bright greens, and their eyes can vary in color just as most humans do." He paused to take a sip of his tea, "Now, as Daehyun said, Hippocampi lay semi-transparent eggs, which means you can see the Tadfoals growing through out the entire incubation process, which is really amazing to witness." Yep. He loved these creatures. "Now to get a little more historical...or should I say Mythological, Hippocampi are very popular in Greek and Roman Mythology. These creatures were said to be the children of Nereid Nymphs, better known as Sea Nymphs, and the Sea Gods, most famously, Poseidon. It was said his chariot was pulled by Hippocampi." And that was enough of Mythology for now. "There is also a major section of the brain in humans and other mammals that is called the Hippocampus. This section of the brain is what controls the conscious short-term memory, really don't need to write down..I just thought it was interesting." He said with a chuckle, though he was sure no student would laugh at. ANYWAY, MOVING ON. "Alright, now I would like everyone to head over to the holding tank and carefully head up to the observation deck. Please bring your parchment and quills. You will need them for this next bit of the lesson." He shewed them with his hands and started walking towards the tanks himself. OOC: You guys are doing awesome! Thank you again for participating. I am going to do the mini lesson in a couple stages so for this first part just have your charries head over to the holding tank and finding a spot on the observation deck. I will post again in about 20 to 22 hours. Thank you for being awesome!
__________________ ⫷ ⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to... 
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸ ⫸ |