CoMC Lesson: Happy Hopping Hippocampi! It was time for another Care of Magical creatures lesson. The weather was actually quiet lovely this afternoon. It wasn't too cold or too hot. Sometimes the Professor wished the weather was like this all year. It would definitely make things easier for him.
As usual, just outside the large barn, Professor Wayland had set up the semi-circle of hay bales for students to sit on and his trusty blackboard was at the front close to the barn, with no creature insight other than his Phoenix, Ash, resting on the roof of the barn. It was definitely going to be a good lesson, he thought as he sipped his mug of Chai tea from his recliner shaped hay bale chair. He patiently waited for students to arrive. OOC: Welcome to CoMC! Please make sure you take a gander at the CoMC Rules while waiting. Class will start in 24 hours Class has begun! Please jump in, but remember posting your charrie late will lead to IC consequences! Class Progression: Greetings and Question 1 Question 2 Mini Activity Stage 1 Mini Activity Stage 2 Main Activity