Wrapping up! Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁ Noble glanced around the room to see how everyone was getting on. Surprisingly, given his temper, Ronan seemed to be charging ahead. He also noted how evenly minced Emmalyn's garlic was. Maddie seemed to be on her way to catching back up, with the right amount of beetle eyes this time...and Chloe was just starting on the mincing. "Remember...minced means it should be very finely chopped into small pieces. Use a chopping motion with one hand on top of blade, and rock the knife back and forth to make sure you really catch everything."
He made quick work of his own garlic, and just in time too, since his timer announced the five minutes of simmering was up. Noble used his silver knife to scrape neatly minced garlic into the cauldron. "When five minutes is up, add the garlic and beat the mixture well. It's going to look like a horrible red mess to begin with as it seizes and changes texture." He took a wooden spoon and gave his a good mix...holding up the spoon to show the gloopy, oily mess he'd created so far. "Keep at it though, as with a bit of arm ache, it'll turn into brown granules." Which, as he'd written on the board, would look pretty similar to instant coffee...if anyone still drank that awful stuff. "Once it has, turn your heat off and leave it to cool. Those of you who used toenails, try smelling someone else's pest repellent to get the full effect of how it can work on humans too."
Was there anything else he needed to say? Oh, right. How to use it. He really didn't need anything thinking they needed to consume the stuff, and suing him for poisoning. "The granules can then be mixed into your fertiliser or compost, and sprinkled around the base of any plants you want to keep safe from pests." ...which, he was sure Paul would have something to say about before class was dismissed. He looked over to the Herbology Professor, gesturing with his hand to suggest the floor was all his.
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