Emmalyn & Boggart! Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Exactly. Using their foot to push the bins and other garbage around was safer than using their hands. If something bit or scratched at her boot she would be okay. "Yup! If we use our foot we're able to jump back more quickly too." Hopefully. "Rats aren't that bad. I have one... though he's a pet and not one living in a back alley." She understood what Emmalyn meant. Who knew what type of diseases the rats here had. Neptune was clean and well taken care of.
Her friends observation made a lot of sense. "I think so too." Those crashes were really loud and close. It really did sound like it was coming fr-
She had missed her friend lifting the lid having turned her back to nudge at some boxes on the ground. The screams of terror had her spinning around so fast she had very nearly lost her own footing, eyes going wide at what she saw. That was the HUGEST bat she had ever seen! It couldn't possibly be a real bat, there wasn't any that size. At least known that she had ever heard of. "Emmalyn! Come on, you have to get up!" she nearly shouted at her friend grabbing her by the hand and tugging her onto her feet. There was noway she was leaving her behind. Nah-uh, noway, no how. Friends didn't leave friends when one was in trouble. "What is that thing?" Her face read both confusion mixed with a tinge of fear as she wracked her brain of every bat known in existence. "Let's go, come on, come on." Her grip was gentle but firm as she backed away keeping her eyes on the man sized bat as she tried to tug the other girl with her, her other hand pulling her wand out. The only way she would run was with Emma at her side. And then it occurred to her. A dark alley, whatever that was must have come from one of the bins. What was those creatures that changed shape... ghosts... boogeymen.. no think magical Rylee! Uh... Boggart! It might be one of those?!
How did they get rid of it?!
Think Rylee. Think. It made Boggarts into something funny. Haha. "What's that spell that turns something into something silly?" She was still staring at this over-sized back even as she continued to back away no doubt backing herself into a wall or something. "Riddikulus! Emmalyn you have to try casting Riddikulus!"
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