Kye smiled, happy that she wasn't being fought on the suggestion. "Yes. Perfect. Okay. Hmm then we are getting chocolate dragon, aaand peanut butter and jellyfish!" See? She could be decisive sometimes. "Ooh definitely," she commented on the mention of licorice wands. Not that she needed any influence to buy more junk food this trip. Filling a bag with her other junk choices, she nodded at her dormie. "Well, you know where to find me if you need anything," she smiled at her. They didn't need to say anything else about it, but Kye felt a reminder was warranted. She could only imagine how much stress Vivi was going through. Kye couldn't imagine dealing with her normal stuff AND Head Girl duties. Kye needed her beauty sleep. She took a sample of her chocolate dragon and let out a satisfied, "Mm!" Taking another piece she offered it aggressively enthusiastically in Vivi's direction. Maybe the chocolate would help her dormie to enjoy getting out of the castle for the day. |