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Old 06-24-2018, 11:58 PM   #88 (permalink)
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Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Noble cut a stern figure as he waited for the students to return to their desks. His gazes glanced up at the clock, aware that time was ticking away and he wanted to get this potion finished preferably sometime today.

As one of the first to come retrieve the other ingredients, Chloe got a look of approval despite the skipping. Vivian got more of neutral expression, after those dramatics at the smell - seriously, it wasn't that bad...did they not see the Herbology professor unprotected over there? - and Ronan, well, Noble chose to look pointedly at the corpse flower so he didn't have to see the anger that he guessed was smouldering on the Head Boy's face right now.

And a smirk crossed Noble's face as Chloe asked that question. Despite his usual calls for absolute precision, and vanished work for those who attempted to get by without, it wasn't a trap. "Quite correct, Emmalyn," he replied, somewhat surprised that the usually nervous Hufflepuff had chosen to chip in. He caught that look, and gave her the faintest of smiles. "Take three points for Hufflepuff." He glanced at Myers a moment, before turning back to the class. See, his could be nice and give points as well as take them. "This is a rare exception to needing absolute precision in your brewing: the oil is mainly to ensure our potion doesn't stick, so it needs to be just enough to coat the cauldron. A glug, or as Emmalyn said, about a tablespoon, should do it."

He added the oil to his own cauldron now, taking the opportunity to give them the next couple of steps. Chop chop! "Whilst the cauldron is cool, pick it up and swirl the oil up the sides few times, then return it to the tripod and give it some low heat from your burner." He demonstrated this step now, using both hands to swirl the cauldron, not tilt or turn it, before returning it to the stand and lighting the burner underneath. "Once you've done that, add 5 teaspoons of beetle eyes from your potions kit, and grind a further five whole beetles to a fine powder in your pestle and mortar."
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