Originally Posted by
As she looked at the types of fudge being offered today, Kye felt that slight whiplash and turned to see who had hit her, hand going for her wand (just in case). It took her a moment or two before she realized who was standing in her little bubble. "Viv!" she smiled slightly, relaxing her arm. "I guess I won't hex you then... You doing okay?" Kye tilted her head in concern, seeing that slightly dazed look in her dormie's eyes. Kye wondered if it was just the very common zombie expression that could be found on pretty much every seventh year's face these days, or if it was something else.
Originally Posted by
He noticed the two Slytherin girls (Kye and Vivian) as he continued browsing. He smiled, giving them each a polite nod of acknowledgement by way of a greeting, but his face fell as he noticed how... off the Head girl seemed. Was she alright? Probably just seventh year jitters... at least, he hoped that's all it was! He was getting worried, but for now, he would keep his distance.
Even if Kye had almost took her wand out, Vivian wouldn't have noticed. She was too... distracted, and she liked to keep it that way. The blond really didn't need to let her own emotions overwhelm her at the moment. But she immediately looked up when someone called for her name. "
Oh. Hi, Kye," the blond replied, offering half a smile at her dorm mate.
She even forced a small laugh at the obvious hex joke. Vivian didn't want that to happen. But the question that followed had been expected, and the blond simply shrugged a shoulder. "
I'm good. I'm just not feeling the Valentines vibe this weekend, y'know?" No bitter feelings, though. But a subject change was necessary because Vivian wasn't in the right mindset to talk about stuff. "
Were you planning to buy some?"
Glancing sideways, Vivian saw her
Charms professor and nodded in acknowledgement, along with a small smile. The seventh year jitters were a contributing factor to her general mood today, for sure.