Lydia! Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The little blue flames were really pretty. She liked casting them onto the palm of her hand so she could really feel the warmth as if spread of her and watch the little flame dance. Keeping the flame in a jar was a bit more convenient for moments like this though when the weather was cold and damp with snow and you wanted to enjoy the moment.
Fresh air seemed to be one of the best reasons for coming outside in the cold. Rylee being Rylee any reason for being outside was a good reason no matter the weather. "You're welcome, glad I was able to help." She smiled. "Charms really isn't all that hard to get the hang of if you're focused and keep a clear mind." "Working on a few different things with my flower crowns, learning some new spells and working on my defense, lots of Quidditch practice, working on getting better at brewing potions, LOTS of dancing and just having the best time!" Rylee giggled as she rattled off some of what she had been doing lately. There was more to the list but this was what came to her first. Plus she knew she didn't have to mention spending lots of time in the barn because that was a given. "I am! Hogsmeade is always lots of fun!" Lydia was as excited about it as she was, right? "What have you been up to lately?"
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |