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Rylee found herself spending more and more time outside lately. It didn't much matter where it was or the weather. Like right now. The gentle steady sound of rain falling on the balcony roof above her head as she stepped out into the fresh air taking in a deep breath. It was cold, wet and and windy. Probably not the best of combinations especially in late November. As least she had remembered to cast a quick warming charm on herself this time.
Resting her hands down on the cold balcony she looked out over the grounds below. Even when the wind began to blow her long ginger hair about her face, her cheeks flushing pink from the chill and the rain dampening her clothes she stood there. For the moment the second year was rather content with just standing here and didn't feel like doing much else. As odd as that was for her to do even she needed some simple down time every now and then.
Bundled up in her long cloak, scarf, mittens, and thick woolen hat, Lydia was ready to face the weather on the balcony. It got so stuffy even in the Slytherin common room sometimes that she needed a bit of fresh air, even when it was the dead of January's chill outside. With only her eyes showing, she was bundled up so well, Lydia stepped out onto the balcony. Her field of vision was pretty low so she almost didn't notice Rylee.
But it was hard to miss her friend's bright red hair! Lydia thought Rylee should be bundled up a bit more; it was almost snowing outside here after all, but perhaps the Gryffindor had cast a warming charm on herself. Speaking of warmth, Lydia withdrew her wand from her cloak pocket, as well as a jar she had taken to carrying around with her whenever she went outside.
Hi, Rylee," she said, her voice a bit muffled through her green and silver scarf. "
What are you up to? Oh by the way, I've been wearing my flower crown all the time. Except for right now 'cuz I didn't want it to freeze." She chuckled.
Lydia set the jar on the edge of the balcony. Pointing her wand at it, she murmured, "
Flammae Caeruleum." Blue fire streaked from the wand into the jar, and soon the bluebell flames were crackling merrily, providing them with a bit of warmth against the cold January day.