Divination Feet Frenzy Project!
W ith the knowledge and experience from our class on how to do feet readings with the help of foot casts, I assign you the project of doing 4 feet readings for the rest of the term. The 4 feet readings consist of; 1 reading on the foot you didn’t interpret in class, 2 readings of other students feet and 1 reading of a chosen staffer/professor’s feet. In order to get full credit for this assignment you need to include your foot reading notes with the format from class in your rp posts and links to your rp posts in this thread.
I wish you best of luck and tingling Inner Eyes! /Professor Laurel Vance OOC Instructions: Topic: Doing foot readings Objective:
*For students to practice doing more foot readings and interpreting/analyzing the results
*For students to socialize with and get to know their peers and professors better
*For students to be more aware of the importance of their feet and toes. How to complete this assignment:
- Do 4 foot readings over the course of 5 IC months.
- List at least 3 toe characteristics and 1 foot characteristic and analyze the meanings of each for the months to come.
-Post your rp links in here where you roleplay doing the readings on yourself, peers or professor and in those rp posts remember to include the foot analzsis notes from class for full credit.
- Reflect on what you learn about yourself, your peers or professors personalities, do you agree with the readings results or not? Could you have done the readings differently?
*The readings can be done anywhere in the castle and on the grounds and the roleplays can be how short or long you wish. They'll be graded equally.
* The points will not depend on if your student managed to complete the readings and notes in full. And also won't depend on which peers or prof you decide to do your foot readings on and with. Required post count:
1 post in the thread where you track your readings in a journal: Name: Student name House & Year: Students house & year Reading 1 (Students other foot eg left/right): Link Reading 2 ( With name of other student + house): Link Reading 3 ( With name of other student + house): Link Reading 4 ( With name of professor/staffer): Link Time span: You’ll have from June 17th to July 30th. Points distribution:
The assignment will carry a maximum of 20 points. However, this depends on RP quality and creativity and foot reading analysis. See rubric.
Every student needs their own journal post in this thread. I encourage and wish you to pair up for this with other members and a staffer.
Rp posts can be made anywhere in the school and grounds, just post in this thread with links to your rp reading posts that of course include your reading analysis.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM, VM, Skype,. If you want help/interaction from/with Laurel, just put it next to the link to your rp post in this thread. Have fun! |