Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! SPOILER!!: Haraldur Quote:
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist She baked a pie? Where did she find the time? Although, he couldn't say he wasn't glad she did. "Yes, yes, by all means, come in!" He stepped aside and waved her in. In to the, quite messy, hut of his. "I didn't expect company...." He mumbled as he shuffled up to the table located in the middle of the room. He usually only had students that visited him and they were never that fussed about the mess. "Let me just..." He shuffled over to the table and with one big motion he collected all the papers into his arms to place them on a small counter. "Yes, yes Skylar is doing a very good job indeed. They all are, of course." He was very proud of his four captains and he was never shy to brag about them before during and after every staff meeting. "Let's see if Skylar can fly home the Quidditch Cup this year again for Slytherin." Nothing was certain until the last Snitch was caught. "What a pleasant surprise, Laurel." He waved a hand for her to take a seat by table as he rummaged through the cupboards after plates. "Do you often bake... Pies?" He was impressed. He usually just took his broom to the kitchens in the middle of the night and talked to some elfves, but he kept that fact to himself for now. Stepping up on the porch, Laurel headed into Haraldur’s hut trying not to gawk too much at the messy state of the place or tip the pie too much. His comment about not expecting company made her smile as she watched him shuflle about. "Don’t tidy up on my behalf. It’s my fault for coming for a visit unannounced." Laurel murmured back quietly. Not sure what to do with the warm pie she walked over to set it down on a clean and empty part of the table.
Turning to face Haraldur as he spoke of Skylar she couldnät help but feel proud and glad. "Really? Well I’ll be sure to tell Skylar that you think so highly of her when I see her next." Which would most likely be later that day, when she made her usual nightly visit to the snakes. "I’d be very proud and happy if the snakes brought home that Quidditch Cup again this year, but there are many matches left to go and the snitch is quick."
Sitting down at the table she blushed in response to Haraldurs question as he rummaged around for plates. "This is my first pie attempt, actually i usally just bake smaller things like cookies. Do you bake?"
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