Originally Posted by
Bloody Baron
Sir Bloodiness entrance into the Trophy room via the Armour Gallery was as usual heard a long way, away by the thumping of his rattling chains and the loud grumbling. Floating into view to stop in front of the glass boxes of memorabilia from old, the blood stained roped spectre with his distinctive black staring eyes as usual searched for the items from past Slytherin student achievements.
Ah, what a splendid day for a stroll... er, float around the school! Sir Nicholas was in a merry mood as he glided down the corridor. He stopped as he heard the unmistakable sound of chains rattling and grumbling coming from the trophy room. Oh, dear! Was the Baron in one of his moods again? Such a broody fellow!
The Gryffindor ghost floated in the direction of the sound, joining his fellow spirit in front of the glass case.
"Good day, Sir Baron!" he greeted.