Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch And so the theories were made. While those who eventually spoke up said what they had to say, Regina kept the same expression on her face. To be totally honest she would have liked for more of the class to speak up, but, alas, she had to work with what she could get.
Quinn's answer about the arm ring did cause the simple smile on her face to grow a bit and earned the girl a nod of her head. "Very good." It was, more or less, the same thoughts she had about that particular bind rune. That it was meant to provide the wearer with the strength to protect his homeland.
As for Maxton's respond about the bind rune on the gold pendant, it made her wonder if he was stuck a bit too much on the Viking pirate bit he was talking about. He was onto something by mentioning Eihwaz having something to do with immortality and Hagalaz removing unwanted influences though.
The headmistress did like Septimus' thinking about the peninsular brooch. "I think you're onto something here." There just needed a more figurative meaning behind Raidho.
Ronan was the next to speak, and she did get his thinking when it came to taking the Algiz (protection) and Uruz (strength) runs into consideration. Though Othala was part of the bind rune too, and that shifted the focus of what needed protection and strength.
When Emmalynn gave her response about the hinge strap, the headmistress couldn't help but nod her head. Again, this was along the lines of what she was thinking for the bind rune as well. The strap itself was literally kept something from being opened; and it was figuratively keeping a destructive force at bay. "Or maybe," she suggested, unable to help herself, "the hinge strap was meant to keep some source of destruction from getting out."
Stasya's piggybacking stemming from Septimus' answer caused the professor to nod her head. "I agree with you there. The wearer of this particular brooch wore this likely to invoke energies that would aid them in gaining wealth throughout their time in some sort of leadership position." As for the question the Gryffindor asked, Regina replied, "In this bind rune, Raidho is mirrored but still remains upright. Likely done just for decorative purposes. If it were reversed, meaning it'd be a merstave, then there would be a negative connotation."
There was a bit of a lull in conversation, since there were a number of students being awfully quiet for a change. But then Maddie broke that silence, bringing the discussion back to the gold pendant. "I like what you said about that bind rune," she said with a nod. "That it possibly was worn by someone who was going through some type of change in their life or moving away. That could be taken literally or figuratively."
Anabeth was the last to speak up, and it made the headmistress raise her brow. At least the first bit about preventing a werewolf from taking form. "I don't think the bind rune would present that from happened. After all, there is no known cure for lycanthropy; a werewolf cannot choose whether or not they transform every month. The only known way to relieve the symptoms is the Wolfsbane Potion." As for the girl's theory on all of the items belonging to someone and they were all used at once, the headmistress let out a soft hum. "It is a possibility. But we cannot say for certain. Also, remember, these are just five items that are being used in today's lesson. There were definitely more than just these items we pulled from the lake."
Since the discussion part of class seemed to have died down, Regina took the opportunity to use the silence as her cue to move on to the final stage of the lesson she had planned. "Now, we cannot say for certain what the purpose of these bind runes are. We are missing a lot of context and don't have all of the answers about these items, such as where they came from or who was in possession of them. Such is the downfall sometimes when dealing with history. We can only theorize at this point until we get more information to further shape our thinking. So I thank you those of you who shared your thoughts in our discussion."
"To bring today's lesson to close, I would like for you to take out a spare piece of parchment and write your name on it," she continued with a smile. There was a brief pause for everyone to get their materials out and their names written down. "As I stated earlier, we could wrap up by applying our learning in a creative way. To do this, I would like for each of you to independently create your own bind rune. After, label the runes that make up the bind rune and then write a brief description on the purpose of the bind rune, or how and why you would use the bind rune you made. When you are finished, you can turn your work in to me and then you will be free to go." OOC: Direct mentions for the students who did speak up. For those that didn't, know that Regina saw them; she just obviously can't read their minds. =P
We will be wrapping up this lesson with a mini-activity. Regina asked everyone to create their own bind rune, label the different runes in the bind rune, and then write a few sentences about the purpose of the bind rune (how/why they would use it). Feel free to get creative as you like with this! (Note: Please do NOT use the bind runes in the Runic Charms chapter from the textbook. Thanks!)
I will be closing up the lesson on the 12th.
Last edited by Zoe; 06-11-2018 at 01:40 AM.