HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Even without the blanket of darkness that the night sky brought, Beth wouldn’t have suspected a thing. It was cold, flushed cheeks winter kissed skin were a common occurrence with colder weather. ”really? It seems like a great spot to do it,” she smiled softly, even though he likely couldn’t see it despite the glow from the jarred cold-fire. Her lips curled into a small smile at the quiet way Daehyun spoke about never saying no to food. ”so would you be a good victim them?” she asked with a soft laugh, ”y’know…to try food I’ve made? I still don’t trust myself with anything but cheese toast – and a few potions.” Potions, that wasn’t cooking.
There was a science to it, it wasn’t like cooking. Potions and food were nothing alike, not really. Food tended to need to taste good, potions didn’t need to taste good or even be edible to be a potion.
Reaching into the basket she pulled out a rather strange looking thing. ”I made U N I C O R N food,” she explained a smile, ”it’s just cheese toast really, I just put food coloring in with the cheese, it was fun” she admitted with a grin as she handed one over toward him. Beth simply shrugged her shoulder at his question, ”sss’probably cause of Reese” she mumbled and turned to glance at him just as he mentioned Aurora? Who was aurora. ”Beth…” she corrected for a second before turning away realizing he was talking about the assignment. ”I’m not, I don’t know? Maybe but I know I’m more partial to the green ones…its one of my favorite colors” she admitted and pulling her knees closer to. her own chest just dropped her chin onto her knee, turning her head ever so slightly and looking toward him. She wasn’t staring or anything, just looking.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |