Astronomy assignment #1 (kinda) + open? save the gryffindor? PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): It was late. Sylvie could tell it was late because she couldn't hear students on the grounds anymore and the moon was relatively high up, a sign that she should prooooobably head back to the common room. Probably. But the fifth year had just finished her evening jog and she still had way too much energy to try and attempt either sleep or homework.
Plus, her dorm sucked. So. No willingness to go there either way.
Sure she had a little bit of time still before she had to start dodging prefects, Sylvie wrapped her jogging coat more tightly around her frame and aimlessly wandered around the grounds, finding herself in front of the igloo not long after. The igloo! Perfect! She could totally hide in here. Grabbing the coat Baldvinsson had left out for them - so thought, that Baldvinsson - Sylvie shuffled ungracefully into the frozen construction and made herself comfortable.
A vague thought occurred to her as she looked around, that erhaps it wasn't such a good idea to hide in here for a long time, since she was a little sleepy and you're not supposed to sleep in frozen buildings ri- OH. OH! OH LOOK!
Staring up at the ceiling, Sylvie gasped in wonder as ACTUAL mini northern lights SHONE above her head, fluctuating the exact same way the real ones do, so close she could touch them. IFunny how they learned about this in Astronomy only a few weeks back. Actually, since she was already here, and this was technically an aurora, she could totally write some notes and call this homework right? RIGHT. YO. She's so smart.
With some difficulty due to slightly chattering teeth, Sylvie summoned her parchment and self inking quill to her, along with her pillo and blanket. Side note to the blanket: if you want to hit Zoryn Spinnet's face on your way out of the dorm, you do you. Pillow, same to you. Just sayin'.
A few minutes later, Sylvie was lying on her stomach on her super comfortable blanket, taking notes about the, ahem, "Aurora Borealis". She wondered if Baldvinsson had used the same spell the librarian had taught them in class, that Fluctus Lux one. There were definitely lots of green in this one, some hints of pink, a tiny bit of purple which looked SO cool, and... a lighter green. Yeah, mostly green. Was green the main colour of these things?
Jotting down literally everything she could think of, it took Sylvie five minutes to entirely exhaust herself from her rigorous academic efforts. She's gonna get an O in Astronomy now for sure, and smiled to herself as she rolled up the parchment and put her head down on the pillow to snooze for a few minutes. It really was very cold in here, and it was very pretty, that humming sound the lights made very veeeeeeeeery soothing.
It wasn't that surprising then, that only a few moments passed before Sylvie Norcot, rather unfortunately, fell into a deep, deep sleep.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |