Kye had been here on time that was for sure! She filed into class, wished a good morning to her Headmistress, and found a seat in the… semi-circle or whatever. Kye looked out the window as the snow fell, and she wished she was outside. Unfortunately, she anticipated having loads to study today, and would probably find herself in the common room like usual. Ooh, okay, it was actually a bit warm in here. Kye removed her jacket, and let it lay on her seat behind her as she got out her materials for class. As she pulled her book out, she eyed the tables in the middle wondering what the Headmistress had in store for them today.
While others made disapproving noises, Kye was one of the ones that stayed quiet. A theoretical lesson wasn’t necessarily a boring time, but it definitely was cooler when they were working with items and artifacts… even if they were just enchanted by the professor. At the question about bind runes, Kye was a bit too slow to raise her hand first but she managed eventually. “Yea, basically bind runes can be used to strengthen the power of a rune…” With a nod to Sky, she continued. “Since Isa and Laguz can both cool you down, binding them together is a stronger force on the fever than just using one. And then there are ones like the money charm, which uses Ingwaz, Fehu, and Laguz. But here, obviously, Laguz is used for its power in a different way than healing.” As she finished talking, she realized she could not remember what Naudhiz's major function was, and with furrowed brow she began flipping through her book. |