Reese ❤ Fluttery Pegasi Quinn took the book, smiling. "I don't even know if it's possible to copy from one infinity book to another, so here goes," she said. She tapped her wand to her own book. "Effingo librum."
She frowned. If it was working, it should have looked similar to drawing a memory out of someone's head; a wispy, fluid like tendril that'd follow her wand until she tapped the other book. They would be linked for a moment, as a copy of the original book flowed into the infinity book.
But there wasn't any tendril, or anything at all really. Quinn cleared her throat and tapped her book. "Effingo Librum!" Still nothing. No effect.
She handed the book back and shook her head. "I'll see if I can find and original copy of it, and you can copy it later."
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