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Old 06-03-2018, 06:07 PM
MunchyBubbles MunchyBubbles is offline
Default Astronomy Long Term Assingment

Long term Astronomy Assingment

Using what Kalen taught in his lesson about the Northern lights, observe the skies for the remainder of the year and see if you can tell when an Aurora might be happening, or try to catch an Aurora happening and write your observations about it. (ie: colors, day it happened, what time it happened, things of that nature) The Astronomy Tower will be open all night for use for this assignment. But feel free to go out on the grounds as well. Anywhere that you can see the sky. You are more than welcome to pair up with friends to complete this assignment as well. Have fun!

OOC Stuff:

Four separate observations will be required for full points.

Grading Rubric: Possible 20 points

Doesn’t need to see an Aurora to get full points- just needs to make an effort.

SPOILER!!: Rubric

1st post - 5 points possible
1-2 = member produces a post/multiple posts with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
3-4 = member produces a post/multiple posts with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
5 = member produces a post with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character action thoughts)

2nd post - 5 points possible
1-2 = member produces a post/multiple posts with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
3-4 = member produces a post/multiple posts with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
5 = member produces a post with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character action thoughts)

3rd post- 5 points possible
1-2 = member produces a post/multiple posts with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
3-4 = member produces a post/multiple posts with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
5 = member produces a post with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character action thoughts)

4th post- 5 points possible
1-2 = member produces a post/multiple posts with minimal detail/creativity (provides character action, missing many essential details)
3-4 = member produces a post/multiple posts with acceptable detail/creativity (provides character actions, missing some essential details)
5 = member produces a post with exceptional detail/creativity (provides character action thoughts)

Please post in this thread if you are going to try to do this Assingment and then edit your post with links to your observations!

Name: Student Name
House: Student House
Observation 1: Put link to post here
Observation 2: Put link to post here
Observation 3: Put link to post here
Observation 4: Put link to post here

You have until July 30th to get this done! Good luck and let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to pm me or shoot me a message on Twitter.