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Ah, ice girl has an attitude. Good, which means she was responsive to his questions. Nathan wondered where he had seen her before. She seems familiar. A Slytherinette? "And....why is that a point?" he asked again. If she was feeling cold on the floor, why didn't she choose the sofa instead? It was much warmer laying there than on the floor. She was an odd one...he concluded in his head. Eh, not entirely surprising to Nathan. It wasn't like he wanted to stop her from laying there. By all means, she could lay there all day and he can take the sofa. He was mildly curious.
He was awful inquistive for a snake...and for a male...The tall she snake raised a single brow up at the new comer. She wondered how persistent he was going to be...
"Its a point, because I felt like laying here aimlessly on the floor and being cold...cold numbs...numbness means you can't feel anything...I wanted to be numb so I laid here on the cold floor alone to freeze." Was that clear enough sir? She didn't want the bloody sofa or the bloody smelly pre-used coat...she wanted to freeze.
If she froze and was numb...she couldn't hurt. Not that this kid would or could understand...maybe he didn't know a bloody thing about pain, maybe he died a little every day...but she didn't know his life and he didn't know hers....and she'd try to keep it that way.