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Join Date: Oct 2005 Location: SHIELD's Helicarrier
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Dhruv Vihaan Khanna Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Idris Ace Grunt Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman Hufflepuff Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Krittika Saanvi Joshi Ravenclaw Sixth Year
x12 x12
| ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Chloe! Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Chloe wished she'd paid better attention to Charlotte talking about her motorbike, which wasn't at all a vehicle like they were discussing but used the same roadways. There was a helmet, but surely automobiles didn't require helmets. Probably.
Oh, but... "Seat belts! I think you have to wear those so you don't get hurt if your car goes haywire." As Muggle devices were wont to do. "And... Professor, do you have to wear a helmet? My sister has one for her motorbike, but I wasn't sure if you needed them for cars too." "Excellent. Seat belts are a most because if there's an accident, it just might be able to help save a life.'' She was not going into the grisly details of possibly colliding headlong into the windscreen if one did not wear seatbelts. "Helmets are for motorbikes and cycles. Make sure to wear yours, Ms. Kettleburn.'' SPOILER!!: Dae! Quote:
Originally Posted by debpetrisor Daehyun's eyes widened as professor Stewart moved closer to him - was he in trouble for not recognizing-? Oh. She was sweet and encouraging, and he nodded quietly to her words, until she'd mentioned a licence. Surely she couldn't mean a driving licence? Because that was just one big nope for him. But he did greatly appreciate her trying to make him feel better. Not only trying, but succeeding.
As for advice on what to do and what to avoid? His hand went up. "Use all mirrors." Because he supposed vehicles had so many for a very good reason. Unless muggles were that full of themselves and wanted to admire several of their angles while operating a vehicle.
Look at Daehyun getting into the discussion. This made Kay proud. "Very good. It is always important to know what is going on behind your vehicle as well as the sides. The rearview mirror as well as the two mirrors on the sides of the doors...'' They were pointed out on the charts. ''… are adjustable to fit your height so there's really no excuse for not using them.'' SPOILER!!: Ronan, Lyn! Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Practical? Did that mean they would be getting behind the wheel after all? Because Ronan was ready for it. But first, a tip on what to and what not to do when behind the wheel. Uh....he could think of lots of them. Some...well let's hope that no one here would be doing such things.
Hmm...seatbelts had been mentioned, so had the use of the mirrors. Oh..."Make sure you keep your eyes on the road at all times." Yep. After all, that was what the windscreen (or windshield, if you're American) was mostly for. Quote:
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom A few do's and don'ts? There was a big one that jumped out to her, although no one had mentioned it yet. "Professor, you shouldn't hit the other cars. Or, buildings. Well, you really shouldn't hit any other objects or living things while driving." Doing any of those would get you in a lot of trouble. Plus, they would be expensive to fix and your car might not work after ramming it into something.
She scribbled down more notes and updated her diagram list for the few items she wasn't sure of. Her fingers lightly tapped on her notes, just waiting for the announcement from Professor Stewart that was sure to come. They had to be going on a field trip or there must be a car somewhere that they would get to play with. Why else would they be spending so much time learning about a car? "This is possibly the most important rule of the road, everyone. Mr. Carter is absolutely correct. Remember, you are not only responsible for your life but also the lives of every other driver and pedestrian.'' Looking at Lyn, she added, "Not to mention objects around you. It will be an expense to you if you were to reimburse the person whose property you caused damages to. Not to mention your own vehicle will cause a lot at the mechanic.'' SPOILER!!: Bel, Derf! Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz She'd been quiet while people yelled out the answers and everything, maybe daydreaming a bit and just wishing that they were doing motorbikes instead. That would be the best. She zoned back in right in time for a question though, so Bel put her hand up, still thinking about the alignment of the diagram. "Make sure you're driving on the ri--on the correct side of the road for the country that you're in." JUST to avoid any confusion there. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Derf was still trying to figure out some more of the diagram while everyone else was shouting out answers - which would have been a GOOD for him to be paying attention to so he could have corrected some of his and Bel's mistakes along with adding the ones they had missed to their parchment. Oh well.
So when it came time for advice, Derf had a few things in mind...but something Bel said distracted him and, well, as all Derf's did...he began to spiral off into conspiracy theory land. They, he and Bel, had spent a decent amount of time talking about how the interior of the car was reversed...compared with what THEY knew and stuff. The diagram was for an American car. Their professor had been magically manipulated with DARK MAGIC by Americans for...three years had it been? Why were they learning about American car bits when they wouldn't be seeing THOSE on the road when they went out into London and when they were of age and had the urge to get one of those driving licence things and....WAS SHE STILL UNDER THE INFLUENCE?! WAS THIS SOME ATTEMPT AT MASS DESTRUCTION OR SOMETHING?!
No...no Derf. Calm down. You had promised yourself that you WOULDN'T do this and let your imagination get the best of you...but it was SO WEIRD and HARD considering the woman was, again, looking like she was being tailed by an invisible dementor sometimes and she had been that way while under the influence of the Williams twins.
So his hand FLEW up, for clarification purposes. On diagrams. And stuff. Not going to accuse the woman of anything YET. "Professor...why do...some countries have the steering wheel on the right side of the cabin...and others the left?"
Yes. OTHERS. O T H E R S. "Very good. For example, the British, Indians, Australians drive on the left side but in other countries, like Malta and the United States, the right side is utilised. It's best to check up on this information whenever you visit another country.'' If Kay knew exactly what Derf was thinking about her, she would have reassured him that there was not a single grasp that the Williams twins had on her. Not any more. That horrible chapter of her life was over. "This has to do with the side of the road the country utilises as well as manufacturer's preference. In most cases, when the country uses the right hand side, the driver seats are made on the left of the car. This was so because that it was thought as being more practical to have the driver seated near the centreline of the road so that they would be able to judge the space available when passing oncoming cars and to allow passengers seated in front to disembark the car onto the pavement instead of into the middle of the street.'' SPOILER!!: Jessa! Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "No, I wouldn't. Thank you." Her tone was polite but uncompromising as blue eyes refocused on the woman who'd drawn her from the deep recesses of her mind. For starters, she didn't know what the question i]was[/i], but even if she did, she wasn't particularly keen on giving an answer.
What was the point?
Having declined the woman's "offer" to share what she knew, Jessa turned her gaze to the list she'd scribbled once more. It had nothing to do with cars but everything to do with where her attention currently was. So far, the Ravenclaw had been doing a brilliant job of not paying attention, and she planned to continue that trend....
.....But not before answering this one question she'd caught the tail end of--because how could she resist? "Don't stand infront of one if it's speeding in your direction." Such sound knowledge. They were entirely welcome and she was going back to looking out the window. Oh look, the birds were back. She'd still like a pair of those. Perhaps the whomping willow had some fresh ones for her. Maybe she would check after the lesson was over.
So Jessa wasn't interested in the mini activity but she did at least provide and another important point. "Yes. If you're a pedestrian, it's vital that you pay attention to the traffic. Likewise, if you're the drive, be courteous to pedestrians. Stop at traffic lights when it indicates they have the go ahead to cross the road, obey traffic signs that warn you of pedestrian crossings like around school areas.'' SPOILER!!: Hattie! Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Ooh. The main part of the lesson would be starting soon? Harriet was really hoping that meant they would be able to do something practical. She was getting a little restless with all this sitting. She wanted to be able to get up and do a few stretches, and get less crampy. So she hoped it would be a good practical. First she needed to think about this last question. Whilst she hadn't driven herself, she had been in a car a handful of time, so hoped that she kind of remembered some tips. She hadn't been that bothered though, nor was she now, so she wasn't thinking too hard. She didn't need this knowledge, so she wasn't going to try to hard.
Luckily, she could remember something, so she could at least answer the question. "You have to adhere to the speed limit of the road you're driving on" so no super fast driving all the time, which was kinda sad, but also needed for safety. "Speed limits are set up for reasons like rounding turns or bends and to prevent accidents with pedestrians as well as other motorists. Yes, we should obey them even if it seems frustrating at times. They're there to help us.'' SPOILER!!: Max! Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo Max didn't really know the answer to the do's and don't question and listened to what his classmates had to say. The helmet thing sounded like a good idea, but he didn't remember wearing one when he went in a car...
And he liked Prefect Cambridge's answer a lot.
He didn't know that different roads had different speed limits either... Or that in some countries they drove on the different side??? Yep, he was happy just listening for now.
Max was not chipping in on this one either? He seemed to be listening attentively which was good enough for Kay. As long as he was making notes too. SPOILER!!: Rylee! Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Rylee smiled nodding her head. So she had been correct in her answer and the center one was the break. Picking up her pen she made quick note to write that down before she forgot to. Along with all the other tips all her classmates were saying. Wearing a seatbelt at all times... yeah, this was important... very very important. Speed limit, keeping your eyes on the road, not hitting anything, using your mirrors. She wrote all that down. "You want to use your turn signal if you plan on turning or changing lanes so other drives will know what you're doing and you won't cause an accident," she offered when it was her turn to speak. "I could not have put that better, Ms. Prichard. Excellent.'' SPOILER!!: Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Okay, so the car part Maddie thought was used for waving to passersby was called windshield wipers. They weren't used for waving at all. They were used for cleaning and wiping away raindrops. That sounded so boring. She thought using them for waving was so much more exciting.
It seemed like class was coming to an end, and all she had to do now was come up with something you should or should not do on the road. OHH! She knew a good one! "You probably shouldn't try to fly your car the same way Ron Weasley did," she said, raising her hand. Who hadn't heard about that epic story? And let's see...something you should do? "You should always stop when your car gets to a red light."
A smile spread across the woman's face. "That's true. You'd be in breach of Wizarding laws. With regard to the traffic light, yes. Red to stop, amber to slow down and green to go. Like speed limits, they can be frustrating but there to help prevent fatalities.'' SPOILER!!: Patrick! Quote:
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson Patrick smiled, "well I know how to drive manual tractors, but as for cars, I know my parents prefer to drive an automatic." He smiled at Professor Stewart he loved looking at cars, but he was partial to some of the older models because that's what a lot of his friends parents drove.
He listened to the answers that most of his friends were stating. They were obvious answers, ones that he understood well. "My parents used to yell at us for turning the lights on in the back seat of the car." He shrugged a bit, "But Cellular phones are a big no no for people driving." he wrote down some of the other answers just as a precaution in case she asked about them in an essay or something.
Ah, the tractor. She had never driven or been on one of those. "That sounds exciting.'' And she wondered if Patrick lived on a farm. "Yes. Nothing that can distract you from the road. If you need to use your phone, it is best to pull over or get a Bluetooth handset to carry out conversations. That is a piece of technology that allows you wirelessly connect to your calls without having to hold your phone to your ear.'' SPOILER!!: Skylar Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising So Skylar was still fretting about labeling the parts of her diagram when people started shouting out answers. Uhhhh ... Wheel. She was confident with that answer. Or the lights in number one on the exterior. But then before she could answer one of the parts to her diagram, they were moving on to dos and donts of driving a car? Okay so some of the answers seemed a bit obvious.
Also, for the record, she'd probably fair okay with driving a car because it wasn't all that different from flying. Just some more controls. Just because she didn't know what a CLUTCH was, didn't mean she couldn't figure out how to use it! "Being able to multi-task is important." Mmhm. That was her two knuts worth. Or pounds. Whatever.
Kay blinked. "Why do you say so, Ms Diggory? When on the road, you should be concentrating on what's going on around you completely.''
* * * * * * * * "That's a wrap on this part of the lesson, everyone. If you would just put away your pens, pencils and books. We must head outside now and you're more than welcome to take your bags with you. If not, feel free to leave them here.'' Of course she would be locking the classroom's door securely before they left. "Once you've packed up, please follow me.'' OOC: Please declone here before posting in this thread! |