Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ After a whole summer of being in Brazil studying plants which had been absolutely AMAZING, Isa had sooo much to update Professor Myers on! Everything was on track for her to continue her NEWT level herbology studies as planned this year, having received an Outstanding mark on her OWL in the subject. Her passion for the study of plants had brought her all the way to Brazil, where she had the experience of a lifetime. Honestly, Isa might have chosen to stay there and attend Castelobruxo for the year if it wasn’t for all her friends at Hogwarts that she didn’t want to leave behind. Studying in Brazil over the summer had allowed her to explore the unique flora there and learn from expert teachers while not being too homesick and not needing to worry about other classes. So, here she was, as excited as ever to learn from Professor Myers as she delved deeper into upper level classes. The sixth year danced through the grass, twirling in the sunshine, as she approached his office. Upon reaching the entrance, Isa raised a hand to the door and knocked three times. Know all she had to do was wait to see if the professor was here, or if she might have better luck looking around the greenhouses.
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