Quinn! Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
The silence didn't seem to surprise, Rylee. However the answer somewhat did. Or at least the vagueness in which it was given was a surprise. Though this was Quinn she was talking with so truthfully speaking she was lucky she was getting any sort of response at all from her. "Oh." What else was she supposed to say to that? She didn't think Quinn would tell her what day it really was, should she have asked anyhow. "Well, it looks like you had a good time."
It was hard not to know someone like the same thing as yourself when you both were almost always in the same place. Even if you didn't talk to one another. Not to mention Reese filled her in on things. Talking about creatures was an easy one for her, it brought her joy and it was something she knew a good amount about. So it only made sense to ask Quinn her favorite knowing their girl was in the barn as much as she was. Only her reply took Rylee by surprise, making her stop brushing her hair for several seconds. "Thestrals?" That means... She knew what that meant. It meant that the girl sitting in front of her with the shiny confetti in her hair had seen someone die but not only that she understood what had happened. Like Rian. "No, no I can't see them. I've heard they're not as frightening as they look and are rather gentle." She wouldn't go into detail by who told her this or ask Quinn how it was she could see them. Right now, this little bit of information they had both just shared was a lot for the both or them. "Unicorns." As cliche as that might sound.
Seeing her looking at Neptune out of the corner of her eye as she went back to removing bits of confetti from her hair she smiled. "You can pet him if you want... he won't bite." Look at her really trying to be nice here. Go big or go home. When asked if she wanted help getting the confetti from her hair next she couldn't help but giggle at the way Quinn said it. It didn't matter if it was meant as a statement or even to be serious. It was true. She liked color, bright thing, if it was shiny, sparkled or glittered it got her attention. Just like in the cave... like a Niffler. "As pretty as it looks in my hair, I actually wouldn't mind some help. If you have the time.. that is." Or she could just leave it in her hair. Either way was fine by her really.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread! |