Thread: The Tower Patch
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Old 05-22-2018, 12:36 AM   #3 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Having needed a nice, quiet, peaceful place for his task, Ronan made his way to the rooftop garden on top of the North Tower. Luckily, the place was empty (though, seeing as it was sunrise, this wasn't really surprising), because this wasn't exactly the type of thing that he wanted to be caught doing. Especially with how judge-y some Hogwartians tended to be.

He chose a bench near the large fountain, thinking that water would help him in his task. Crossing his legs criss-cross applesauce style, he checked to make sure the necklace was around his neck before extending his arms out to his sides with one stone in each palm. Then he started silently meditating as per his cousin's husband's instructions. According to him, doing this once a day, early in the morning, would help him with both his loneliness and his confusion problem.

Honestly, if this was Grayson just having a laugh at his expense, he was going to find a way to curse him through the mail.
Eria had been up since just before the sunrise. She liked it best when the world was quieter and less populated. Her thoughts flowed better when people weren't around and she could be fully herself...ruleless and free.

Once the sun started shake the world free from its veil of darkness, was when she chose to have her feet grace the bare earth. Running in the morning helped keep muscle tone, stamina, and discipline. The she snake wore white training shoes, leggings, and an athletic top to conquer her morning routine.

The lanky brunette didn't want to run the whole grounds and wanted to be back in for a shower before everyone else used the facilities, so she chose to use the patch on the North Tower as she'd done a few times. It had a good surface, greenery, and water just in why not?

Not having seen anyone, because she was lost in her own little world with her charmed headphones on, she started her stretches and began to sing along...not realizing how loudly...with the lyrics. "Youre the right kind of sinner,... to release my inner fantasy...The invincible winner,... and you know that you were born to be!"
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