librarian | bookworm | gryffindor | HP forever
Lydia listened with fascination to Quinn's description of her wand. She couldn't help but want to join in on that conversation too.
"The shopkeeper at Ollivander's told me my wand is particularly suited for dueling. He seemed to think it would favor defense spells and water-based spells. It's yew with a phoenix tail feather," said Lydia. She glanced at the professor. "Er, not that I'll be doing any unauthorized dueling, Professor Vance."
Lydia sipped happily at her tea. It was just the perfect temperature. She took a deep bite of cupcake too. Delicious.
"Honestly, Professor," she said in response to the questions, "I didn't think I'd be in Slytherin, but I am liking it so far. I've made friends with a few people like Beth and Patrick in Slytherin. I also spend time with kids from other houses like Rylee and Ewan."
Lydia munched on her cupcake and thought about her house. She'd heard some dark things about it, things like how many, if not most, Dark witches and wizards came from Slytherin. Not having learned much yet about wizarding history, she couldn't say if that was true or not, but it did trouble her.
Somewhat embarrassed, Lydia nevertheless felt the need to ask Professor Vance a question that had indeed been on her mind for the past several months. "It's not bad to be in Slytherin, is it Professor?"
Lydia glanced at Quinn, her cheeks somewhat warm. Hopefully Quinn didn't think she was being a nitwit or something. Quinn seemed so above any worries or insecurities. It was extremely difficult to read the Ravenclaw girl.
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