Rylee Fluttery Pegasi Rylee was being exceptionally gentle with her hair, and it did not go unnoticed. Or unappreciated. "I was celebrating," Quinn offered up after a moment. Ordinarily, she wasn't the type to collect confetti and toss it back in the air. Today was different. Special. Though Quinn didn't offer up more than that, just that she had been celebrating. "You and Reese like the barn." It wasn't a question, exactly. More an observation. "So do I." More so now that I was able to visit Tobias regularly.
Ah yes, Neptune. "I remember him," she said, looking back over her shoulder at the rat for a bit. It would probably be somewhat imperative they keep Neptune and Tobias away from each other. She was felt a tinge of envy that Rylee got to take Neptune with her all the time. She honestly would have liked to be able to do the same with her snake. "How long have you had him?"
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