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Old 05-20-2018, 02:01 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dhruv Vihaan Khanna

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Aryan Zahid Atreyu-Rehman
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Idris Ace Grunt
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Dynah Aavni Atreyu-Rehman
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krittika Saanvi Joshi
Sixth Year

x12 x12
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.

SPOILER!!: Quinn!
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
It was Friday. And Fridays were casual dress days. No gaudy school robes and uniform for her today. Nope. Quinn was wearing a dress, light grey and spattered with little red embers that seemed to glow like fire whenever the fabric shifted. Over this she wore a small grey jacket. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing the earrings her Dad got her at the end of summer. The earrings had started off as silver wands dangling from white sapphire studs, but upon her sorting, the wands took on a distinctly bronze sheen and the white diamond-like sapphires shifted to the deep blue color that everyone associates with the term 'sapphire.'

The warmth in the Muggle Studies classroom was welcomed.

As was Quinn's nature in every class, she said nothing upon entering the classroom. Her eyes flicked to the whiteboard, studying the chart taped on it for a long moment. Then she took a seat. This, however, was different than her norm in other classes. Instead of taking a seat in the middle, Quinn took one in the very back, and not too far from the door. She'd heard plenty about Professor Stewart, and as a pureblood witch in a long prominent pureblood family, Quinn wasn't going to take any chances. First sign of pureblood serial killer wannabe Professor Stewart, and she'd be up and out the door in the blink of an eye.

Once settled into her seat, Quinn pulled out her quill, ink and some parchment, and her wand, and set them on her desk, each one perfectly ready to be used. Then she turned her eyes upon Professor Stewart, simply watching and appraising and calculating.

Ah, it was that time already; the time where the kiddos started to show up. Kay looked up from her notebook to see first year Quinnlin arriving. It always seemed to be a trend- with her lessons at least- that first years were almost always the first to get there. She always attributed it to them being eager to learn. Not being greeted in no way offended Kay; Quinn was usually like that. "Wand away please,'' was all she said when she noticed the magical apparatus.

SPOILER!!: Reese
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart View Post
Reese had told his sister he'd meet her at their lesson instead of walking together.. He was really trying to branch out a bit and stretch his magical little phoenix baby wings.. And today he had Muggle studies.. A bit odd to have a class on the mundanies as he called them.. But.. Eh.. Here he was in his faded jeans and Wizard rocker t-shirt. His jumper being stuffed into his bag as he entered the classroom.

" Hello, Professor.. Looking at modes of transport today are we?.. ", as always stating the obvious. After all.. She'd written up a chart on the white board for Godric's sake..

Lalalala... He saw his best friend Quinn already in a seat.. These desks sucked.. They made chatting with your neighbor cumbersome... Boo!..Seriously, if he hadn't have already seen her sitting there he'd have sat down with a heavy sigh.. Instead, this little red headed muppet baby sidled on over to the desk bedside her and slid into the chair portion of his desk.. " Heya, Quinnie.. ", the first year not so friendly badger said with a grin.. " If we need to pair up, wanna work together?."

Yup!.. Reese Prichard was calling DIBBS!

What a fun rule Regina and Charles had come up with, allowing a sort of casual Fridays. Still, she was always scrutinising to ensure the kiddos wore appropriate clothing. "Good morning, Mr Prichard. I suppose we are.'' Her head bent over the book again but she couldn't block out Quinn's and Reese's conversation- they were the only two there aside from her and the classroom was rather quiet. Kay looked up to see a blushing Reese which made her arch an eyebrow. ''Pre- teen crushes,'' she thought to herself.

SPOILER!!: Maddie!
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Maddie wasn't the biggest fan of Muggle Studies, but here she was. She much preferred the magical way of doing things and thought she knew enough about Muggles to skip learning more about them. Again, she was. The professor was really cool and nice, and Maddie always enjoyed her lessons. So despite the fact that the subject wasn't her favorite, the third year was in good spirits as she entered the class.

"Hello, Professor!" she said, giving the woman a cheerful greeting. Maddie noted the warmth of the area and was appreciative of whatever it was the professor had done. As she took a seat, Maddie glanced up at the board. Muggle transportation. In a way, Maddie always wanted to fly in an airplane, but it just seemed so much slower than any magical way she could think of.

"Hello to you as well, Ms. Kemp,'' the professor stated with a frown. Oh, it wasn't a frown directed at Maddie but at rather the idea she had just written. Now that she was thinking more about the idea, it seemed ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom View Post
Time for Muggle Studies! Emmalyn skipped into the room, a giant smile plastered across her face. It was by far her favorite class. Not only because it was fun, but because she felt like she knew what was going on, and didn’t usually break anything. “Good day, Professor Stewart. I trust you are well.” She merrily greeted as she made her way to a desk towards the front of the room.

She quietly placed her supplies on her desktop, keeping a blank page and pen on top for easy note taking. Her eyes drifted towards the board and noticed all kinds of fun vehicles. She hoped they would be talking about motorcycles. Those were her favorite. She loved the pbbbbb pbbbbb sound they made and the roar of the engine as they flew down the road. It was the closest thing to flying on a broom that she had experienced as a child.

There was that chirpy, cheery voice that Kay would recognise anywhere. Yet she didn't look up from her book. "Good morning, Ms Walsh. I am.'' Saying that she was well came naturally these days, no matter how far it was from the truth.

SPOILER!!: Eria!
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA View Post
Eria was her usual quiet self today, her hair was one had tried to touch her...and while this class was boring to her it didn't tend to involve too dumb of activities. It was a boring subject, simply because she was a half-blood and very well acquainted with mundane transit. As long as ambulances were not being featured, all would be fine.

What she did like about being here...she didn't have to wear robes. Instead, she sported jeans, brown boots, and a white and blue thermal henley. Far more comfortable, so this class scored for comfort by far.

Looking over at the professor, the lanky snake gave her a polite head nod in greeting then made her way to her seat.

She liked the very back of the classroom...but after she saw Oompa Loompa and Tweetless Bird making smiley faces at each other, she decided to pick the other side of the back of the room. No sense in disrupting if Tweet wasn't hating life.

Kay had scratched out her ridiculous idea and looked up as Eria walked in. She inclined her head in way of returning the greeting.

SPOILER!!: Chloe! Pretty siggie there, Ern.
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Ooooh. Posters. Chloe stopped to give the professor's pictures a very close look, silently, before giving the professor a huge smile. Very cool, professor. Very. Cool. Muggle Studies wasn't always the most useful subject, especially having a Muggle great grandmother and a persnickety father, but it was always interesting. Today seemed like it would be both.

"Good day, Professor." Chloe paused, wondering why the professor didn't seem herself at all. "Are you feeling well today, ma'am?" She moved toward a seat.

Was Chloe into modes of transportation? Kay didn't mind it one bit that the girl was examining the chart so closely. "Hello, Ms Kettleburn. I'm doing alright.''

SPOILER!!: Ewan!
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
He officially loved his casual Fridays! Wearing his favourite Dark blue, ripped jeans and his yellow and green NFL jersey, he couldn't help but feel cheerful and content. One thing he did miss was watching his favourite sport. He enjoyed Quidditch but he missed Football (American Football), specifically, watching his team play.

Walking into the classroom, he couldn't help but smile at Professor Stewart! "Hey Professor! Hope your well today." Ewan couldn't help but notice she didn't quite seem herself. Hopefully his chipper attitude would cheer her up ever so slightly. He at least, was ready to sit and learn, despite his obvious muggle background.

Spotting Quinn and Ewan, he quietly moved to the opposite side of the class to them. That was one pair he did not fancy sitting close to today. Sitting down now, he lowered his rucksack to the floor before finally pulling his quill and parchment. Silently, he pulled out one of his many muggle note pads and Biro pens. Resting his head on the table, he let his hand doodle away in his note pad, patiently waiting for the lesson to begin.

Yet another happy kiddo. It was quite refreshing as always to see this type of attitude. "Good day, Mr. Jones. I am.'' It was safe to say that there were even the first years that noticed her mood. Plus they had probably heard of her actions from last term.

SPOILER!!: Patrick!
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
Arriving early like he did to almost every single Muggle Studies class, Patrick skirted around the corner into the classroom. “Hello Professor. Good to see you.” Although, Patrick wasn’t sure Professor Stewart felt great about being back on the grounds after everything last term. He felt terrible for everyone involved in the incidents because most of them didn’t even know what was going on around them.

Slipping into a seat part of the way into the room, he noticed the board, muggle transportation. He had a love hate relationship with that. Nodding at each of the people already sitting in the classroom. Whipping out a piece of paper he grabbed one of the pens from his backpack that happened to have his favorite baseball team on it, a piece of home that he was unwilling to get rid of when he came to Hogwarts. Quickly jotting down, dreaded modes of muggle transportation... don’t take the bus

Glancing up, he was going to wait patiently to start the lesson because he thoroughly enjoyed muggle studies.

"Hello, Mr. Dooley. It's always great to see you as well.'' Not just during her lessons but running into him around the Castle as well.

SPOILER!!: BatRonan!
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
What, fiery? Him? Nahh.

Casual Friday meant the Head Boy had ditched the typical white button-down (fully buttoned) and tie combo for a button-down of another color (black today) with the top two buttons undone and sans tie. The badge remained, as required (the dark colored shirt making it stick out more), as did the black colored pants and black dress shoes. "Hello, Professor Stewart," he greeted as he entered the classroom and chose a seat towards the front. Not to antagonize but as a sort of show of support, as if to say 'hey, if I can get over the last couple of terms you can too' to his classmates.

Also, Ronan was really looking forward to showing off his knowledge this lesson.

Kay thought that Ronan looked rather sharp in his method of dressing today. It was a suitable look for the Head Boy. She also thought that the two of them had come a bit of a way in getting over whatever had happened in the past few terms. At least on her part, she held no grudge. "Good day, Mr. Carter.''

SPOILER!!: Fly Eater xD Brody made me type that.
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
It was casual friiiiiiiday, and what even…the headboy looked almost as buttoned up as ever? Beth was far more casual looking in a relaxed ensemble she had warn earlier in the warmer part of the year. This time however she’d simply thrown a pair of warm woolen leggings under the half-studded jean shorts, her purple and blue plaid shirt was left unbutton and tied loosely at the waist over a band shirt…joy division, whatever they were. She’d gotten the shirt while visiting thrift stores with her cousin over summer…it was nice and of course the man that was with her had told her all about the band.

She had simply enjoyed the look, the shirt really. ”Hey Quinnybear” she waved to her best friend before turning and toward Reese, ”Hey Undercover Snakeboy” she winked over to Reese before simply sending Emmalyn and Evan waves as means of greeting.

”Hello Professor Stewart,” Beth smiled toward the Professor as she made her way toward her seat right next to Quinn. She too, of course, had heard the stories even if her own mother had said it wasn’t Professor Stewart’s fault…the little snake couldn’t help but be wary. Beth just watched Reese for a moment and couldn’t help but smirk, ”couple up will you?” she asked raising an eyebrow at the redhead ”I’ll support that,” she added before giving him an extra-long look so he knew she wasn’t simply talking about the group work. Her little sassing had made her forget to send Eria a wave, but that wasn't on purpose. Not in the least.

"Hello to you too, Ms Greyvson.'' Was it bad that Kay could now very much pick up when kiddos were wary of her? Realising that they were never ceased to hurt her.

SPOILER!!: Stasya!
Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
It had been a slow process, but by now Stas had come to terms with the fact that Professor Stewart was just as much of a victim of the events of the previous few terms as she was. She might have still been a tiny bit hesitant in Muggle Studies lessons due to the memories, but it was getting better. It was getting back to where it had been first year, anyhow, and oddly enough being named prefect had helped her with some aspects of Muggle society that she hadn’t considered yet. Their theme for the start-of-term party, anyway.

Being Friday, the tall blonde fourth year had taken advantage of the new rule and worn jeans, knee boots and a fuzzy pink sweater to class, her prefect badge pinned to the sweater as it was when she was in uniform. The setup of the classroom barely got her attention as she’d headed for an open seat near a window, sending the professor a smile on her way there. “Good day, Professor Stewart.” See, no hard feelings here.

Yet another prefect who was exceptionally dressed. Kay was impressed though she kept her face neutral. "Hello, Ms Dalgaard- Volkova.''

SPOILER!!: Daehyun!
Originally Posted by debpetrisor View Post
Casual Fridays meant Daehyun could be comfortable. Now, he's always liked shirts and semi-formal attire, but it was a nice change from the everyday uniforms. Therefore, Daehyun made his way into the classroom in jeans and a large, warm hoodie that seemed to eat him whole, the sleeves going down to the tips of his fingers. Could they have casual Mondays, too?

He couldn't help but frown slightly upon seeing professor Stewart being not quite herself that day, but soon smiled at her. "Hello, professor!" Maybe if he tried to be more cheerful, it could rub off on her.

Scanning the room, he spotted Beth and Quinn, and waved to both girls, before settling in the seat next to Ewan and dropping his bag next to the desk. "Nice shirt," he commented as a way of greeting. "I don't recognize the sport, though..." Was it something muggle?

"Hello, Mr Yoon.'' If Kay knew he too was hoping to have his cheeriness rubbed off on her, it would have melted her heart.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
What was UP with these desks????????? How did you even....why were the desk bits attached to the chairs? And why could you only get in it on one side? And what if you wanted to scooch up closer to your desk? Or further back? And what was that extra bit of wood for? Bel was baffled by these unfamiliar contraptions to the point where she forgot to say hello to the professor and didn't notice what was on the board either. ERmmmmm. Wha?

Kay looked up from her notebook to notice a seemingly mystified Bel. By the looks of it, it was the combination table that had her that way but surely if the Hufflepuff needed any clarification with something she would ask.

SPOILER!!: Jessa!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"Hello Professor." The greeting was automated, driven by habit rather than any real desire to greet the Muggle Studies Professor. Unlike some, Jessa didn't blame the woman for being possessed and trying to expose the magical world but being as close as she'd been to Kitty, the Ravenclaw was hard pressed to believe the woman didn't personally hold some of those views, curse or not.

It was a shaky line drawn. She would treat her no differently than any other Professor, but she wasn't about to sit down for a spot of afternoon tea with her either.

Jessa gave no reaction to the combination desks, in the same way that the pictures with varying muggle transportation received very little in the way of acknowledgement from her either. Indeed, the Prefect was long passed the stage of reactions in lessons. Years of asking questions and being told to wait until the lesson started to find out, had dulled her curiosity on the matter.

Now, her lack of inclination to know before things were explained was almost out of spite--that and having finished the NEWT syllabus already, she now knew everything she would ever learn at Hogwarts.

At this point, there were no real surprises.

"Good day, Ms Cambridge.'' Jessa was one of those who had remained friendly to her and it was much appreciated. Now the professor looked to her watch. It was almost time to get started.

SPOILER!!: Dorian!
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Entering the classroom dressed in his Ravenclaw uniform despite it being casual friday, Dorian's blue eyes immediately went to the board and the charts on it. He didn't look at it too long as he knew that it would be covered in class today, why else would it be there right?

"Hi Professor" he greeted with a small smile and a nod before he found a seat at the front. As he sat down in the combination desk and chair. Which was VERY uncomfortable by the way, he began placing his supplies neatly on the desk.

Curious blue eyes found Dorian. "Hello, Mr Katharos. No casual clothing for you today? Why not?''

SPOILER!!: Rylee!
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Rylee was here. Not as early as some of the others apparently but she was here and on time. Slipping into the classroom and rather glad that it was Friday, Rylee pushed the strap of her bag higher up onto her shoulder. Bright blue eyes easily spotted Reese sat exactly where she excepted him to be, beside Quinn. Both of them got a light smile as did Beth when she passed the three of them to find herself a seat.

Ronan, Daniel, Stasya, Ewan and Dorian all got smiles as well. The small girl still making her way towards the front of the room aiming for a table in the middle front row hopefully the closest to the professors desk. "Hello, Professor. I hope you're doing well today,"she greeted softly with a soft warm smile. Yes, Professor Stewart was the only one who got actual words from her so far. Traumatic events of last terms aside she wasn't holding a grudge.

Sliding down into her seat not all to bothered by the whole 'chair attached to the desk thing' she let her bag slide from her shoulder to the floor beneath her feet. Quietly she began taking out her notebook, pens and other needed items for the lesson.

Kay got to her feet to move towards the door. "Hello, Ms Prichard. I've been better.'' It was the first time she had admitted it to a student but there are some things that one could share when bonding had happened out on the Quidditch pitch.

Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Vivian could still remember how the other professors were trying to snap Professor Stewart off whatever trance she was in during that Dufftown weekend last term. It was rather scary, but the blond didn't want to blame the woman for being yet just another victim of those Ilvermorny professors. But still, it was strange. She felt like something about the woman's usual happy disposition was unwired, meddled with. Strange and different.

The first thing that Vivian noticed when she stepped into the classroom was the odd-looking chairs. Where were their usual desks? The Head Girl tilted her head and wondered how on Earth was she supposed to stretch her legs around if she was only given such a small space. Sighs. "Hello, professor," she greeted and took one of those... seats.

Rather uncomfortable, to be honest.

It was almost 10 AM on the dot and that meant it was almost time to commence the lesson. "Hello, Ms Fairfield,'' was the greeting directed to the Head Girl.

SPOILER!!: Quinn again
Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Quinn glanced back at Reese just in time to see him light up like a tomato, and looked him over. He was blushing hard. His face was almost redder than his hair, and without Quinn realizing it, her smile widened making her dimples extra pronounced.

Did this mean...Was Reese...Did he...? She looked away, unable to even fathom the idea hypothetically long enough to finish the thought. Of course he didn't. Why would he? She was just herself.

Quinn watched Eria pass by them and make her way to the opposite side of the back row, and gave the older Snake a nod in greeting.

And then he entered. The Tosser. Quinn's entire demeanor changed in an instant, cold and venomous as he made his way far from her. With one simple look, Ewan had become the person Quinnlin Kevelle despised above all. And he still had her book. Curious, Quinn's eyes fell on his bag. "Accio Peter Pan!" The book hesitantly flew from his bag and to her hand. She looked it over, and satisfied he hadn't damaged it, slipped it into her own bag.

She saw Daniel's wave, but she could also see where he was heading, and watched with an unreadable, calculating coldness as he took a seat next to the Tosser.

Beth's voice drew her back, and again her demeanor changed again, relaxing noticeably. She turned to look at her best friend, brow knitted questioningly. Still she was smiling softly at the comment, a rosey pink tinge reaching her cheeks suddenly.

And Rylee gave her a small smile. That was a little bit of a surprise to Quinn, but wasn't unwelcome the way it might have been a week ago. She gave the Sister a small, half smile in return.

The Muggle Studies was completely unaware of the whispered spell. Not until a book zoomed up. Her eyes followed it calmly and when Quinn caught it, she had to look no further for her culprit. The wand still being out did nothing to help. "Ten points for not putting away your wand when I told you to and another ten for the use of it in this classroom without being asked to.'' Quinn had been given a fair chance before... Also, everyone should know the rules by now. Wands could be kept by the kiddos but it should be in their holsters or bag.

SPOILER!!: Derf!
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Derf honestly couldn't wait to drop this subject after OWL examinations were over. It wasn't that he struggled with it at all - he always performed well - but after what had happened last term...what HAD been going on for TERMS...and there seemingly being no consequences, Derf was put off by the subject. Of course he was concerned about the trauma of his friends, himself, for being manipulated by Dark magic...but...

His eyes found the professor's as he entered and while he DID feel a jolt of sympathy for her less than cheerful appearance (it was always sad seeing someone break, you know?) it was her decision to be back at Hogwarts, teaching, after all that and the administration had let. So his empathy was a bit dry at the moment.

Which was why he was glad that Bel's confusion provided him with a bit of distraction - and he too had missed the board and it's offerings. Bel examining the desk as though it were a new creature to be tamed. Which, well, these desks sorta DID need tamed. They were confusing to get in and Derf still struggled a bit with the actual table bit that you could pull up and down. He always seemed to get stuck with the one that was jammed or something. Though these one's didn't seem to have that option today.

" need help figuring out how to sit?" he asked, offering by way of demonstration just how to DO that. Just in case.

Derf's entrance did not go without notice though he was among those that offered no greeting. At least he had offered to demonstrate to Bel how to properly use the combination.

SPOILER!!: Juniper!
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry View Post
Why was she taking muggle studies again? Just to take the OWL for it. Really? Over a month into the term and Juni was ready regretting that idea. But she planned on continuing with it. Even though she wasn’t a huge fan of Muggle Studies or Professor Stewart. She just wanted to do her OWLs and possibly be completely done with the whole subject. Maybe she was just a little burnt out on the subject.

As she headed inside the classroom, she greeted the Professor with a small nod. ”Hello.” Short and simple that was the way she liked to keep it. She walked on and went to go find a seat. She quietly slipped into the desk beside of the Head girl Vivan. ”I’m really not a big fan of these desk.” Shaking her head at the older girl. Hopefully this lesson would be starting soon.

"Good morning, Ms Primeaux. You're just on time.''

SPOILER!!: Septimus
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
With a little nip in the air, Septimus had added his scarf on top of his uniform for making his way through the stone halls. Though he was grateful to see the usual care in the classroom as he walked in, an added comfort of spelled warmth. Thankfully professors tended to agree that frostbitten students didn’t always work so well in lessons…most of the time.

“Good morning, Professor,” he greeted the Muggle Studies professor with a smile. Her classes always seemed fun, the subject once taught by his mother, though he had noticed the change in her personally. Likely having to do with the stories he had heard all about last term that involved the woman the controlled students. Septimus himself hadn’t felt worried around her, but he was watchful just in case whenever he sat down in class like now. He had managed to hear a few tales of Hogwarts when his mum had taught here.

"Good morning, Mr Hadley- Nairne.'' At least his mother had never been possessed while being Muggle Studies professor, had she?

* * * * * * *

Once the door was shut after Kaysha had determined there were no stragglers on the corridor, she returned to face the class. She stood beside the whiteboard and indicated to the chart stuck there. "There are many modes of transportation that Muggles use as means to get by every day. These methods cover air, water and land. It would be impossible to cover in detail each of these methods so I have narrowed it down to one that is very common and which even witches and wizards would use once the time is right. But before we get into that, let me ask you about your personal experience using any muggle mode of transportation. Which is the best in your opinion? Which is not? Did you have a scare using one? Any tips for your peers? Even if you’ve had no experience as yet, which would you recommend?''

These were basic questions but they allowed her to gauge just how much knowledge they all had about the topic. It also allowed for everyone's participation since there were no right answers.

OOC: Thanks for posting, guys! Now that we've officially started, keep in mind if any latecomers want to announce their arrival We'll continue in 24-25 hours.
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