Fluttery Pegasi She caught sight of Rylee and Ewan getting up and Rylee's small smile at them. Ordinarily the girl bugged her, but today...Quinn returned Rylee's smile with a bright one of her own. Then there was Ewan. Quinn's smile faded as she watched him with a cold, almost murderous depth in her eyes, as if running through all the things she'd like to do to him, none of which would remotely be pleasant.
And suddenly he was screeching at the top of his god awful lungs. Her hand rushed to her pocket, seizing her wand and whipping it just as he disappeared out of the entrance.
Slipping her wand back into her pocket, Quinn noticeably brightened and turned back to Beth and Toddles. *POP*
Another elf! Quinn grinned and turned to greet whoever it was, but there was no one.
She scanned the hall a few times before finally spotting Pips hiding behind a table and bench, peeking out. "Pips!! Come join the party!"
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