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Old 05-19-2018, 01:53 AM   #116 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Default Toeing the line... Flying pumpkin top...
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

SPOILER!!: Professor :)
Miss Lovecraft’s reaction to Miss Kemp’s gentle prod was quite excessive in Celestia’s opinion. She shot the Slytherin a harsh look and told her warningly, ”Miss Lovecraft, if you shout at another student in that way again, I will be forced to put you in detention and take points from your House.” She had little patience left for this girl, and was tempted to simply stick her in detention straightaway for sleeping class and shouting at younger students. Celestia forced herself to sigh and look away from the Slytherin before her irritation got the best of her -- until the girl answered her question that is.

Celestia shot the fifth year a sardonic smile and replied coldly, ”You could certainly attempt to do that, Miss Lovecraft.” She supposed that she had deserved that -- perhaps changing the girl’s hair color was a tad overreacting -- but that was the last comment she’d let slide today.

Eria did not take well to threats, no matter who they came from. wasn't that she had a problem??? with it? It was more...why did they think they could tell someone to do something to someone condone TOUCHING THEM, and then threaten them when they reacted unfavorably? She shot the harsh look right back at the older woman. She didn't know her life, she hadn't asked if the former brunette had been okay did she? No. Just presumed she was sleeping and then changed her hair color! Not only did she violate the snake herself, oh no, she okay'd a twerp to "wake" her, and praised the little nit for touching her. There was absolutely no respect in the now puce-haired teen's eyes.

She smirked back as the older woman gave her sardonic smile. To the Transfiguration master's retort, Eria voiced a sarcastic "Thank you Professor." with her equally cordial tone. She didn't care about detention, only about winning her own challenges. There had never been anyone in her family more stubborn than she.

(Step 1)
Once the professor finally decided to let them get on with their torture, oh, pardon her, PROJECT...she perused the possibilities. A pumpkin did in fact seem like it would be the least dull object...after all she could put someone's face onto it and use it for an enchanted pincushion later...

She had her cutting charm well placed, taking the top off of her pumpkin. There was some small amount of joy that came from it at least, carving into that sweet orange flesh........until that bloody whistle sounded again and startled her. Normally the lanky she snake had quite the steady hand, but already having a headache that whistle had rung right through her brain. Then....*POP* went the pumpkin top. She wasn't sure where it landed, who it hit, or what trajectory she'd managed...but that sucker was nowhere near her.

And...a kid had a pumpkin allergy. That was bloody grand. After already mucking with pumpkins and it being All Hallows Eve...why did they just now know this? *SIGH* Eria set her utensils and pumpkin down and sat back in her chair. Any moment now she expected to hear her surname bellowed and something about detention...

Honesty didn't work with adults, intent didn't matter, feelings may as well not have existed, so all she did was sit and wait for the next rivetting chapter in the eyeroll central class known as Transfiguration.
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