Thread: The Stands
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Old 05-17-2018, 02:15 PM   #3 (permalink)

Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
Default Taking you up if you're still interested. I'm sorry she's cranky xD
Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Though Regina had mostly enjoyed being on the Quidditch team last term (even if she was only a reserve), she felt, for a lot of reasons, that it was probably best she didn't tryout for it this term. There were so many other things on her plate, and she had a strict schedule she'd laid out for herself, and Quidditch just didn't really fit in. It wasn't something she was super passionate about anyway - not that any sports were - and she didn't want to attempt to take a spot from someone who'd enjoy it far more.

But just because she didn't want to participate in the actual tryouts didn't mean she wasn't curious to see how this one would go. Especially since they had a new captain, Bel, so Regina was interested in seeing how different the tryout might be. Assuming there weren't strict rules about them being done a certain way? But it'd still be fun to see who from last term would be continuing and if any new people would attend to.

Aaand...she seemed to be one of the first in the stands for this? Interesting. And it looked like there was a big obstacle course down there on the pitch. Also interesting.

Thankfully she had brought a snack in case she was sitting alone while watching. She pulled a packet of licorice wands out of her bag and took one out as she sat back and observed her fellow Hufflepuffs.
Eria was not at all pleased this morning. She could have been studying...could have been practicing hexes...could have been sleeping or reading...but no. Oh no. Its not what she was doing was it? Nope, not at all. Here she was, wandering up the bloody stands for sports which was of course her favorite thing in the bloody world....NOT. She hated sports...with the fiery passion of ten thousand suns she HATED SPORTS of any and all kinds. Yet here she bloody was, marching slowly and begrudgingly up the bloody stairs. Her face was stoic with a slight scowl as she picked a row.

Eww, she thought she'd managed to find a spot with no one...but there was a girl there. Fine, she was done with the bloody stairs. Some other idiot would just invade her space if she picked somewhere else. One of the most annoying things about humans was that they tended to try to group together. She never understood why people just had to join other people. Every time she sat alone someone tried to "be nice" to her and come invade her space and talk and break her silence. Ugh. Whatever.

She silently sat as far away from the girl as she possibly could. Maybe, just maybe, she could get through this try out thing in silence. Honestly, why DID she agree to this? She didn't owe the baby snake any favors whatsoever. She came mostly for entertainment value and to find sports fans to avoid right? Seriously, she was not admitting to herself that it may have been because she secretely cared about Beth. Nope. That wasn't even a thing.

Well on the upside...Beth had gotten her protein. Okay, accidental entomophagy definitely just made this thing a dozen times better.
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