Ewan & Dorian! (Mini Activity) Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Rylee may have been a bit quiet for the start of the lesson but that wasn't all that important. She was doing what she was supposed to be doing. Sure she was slightly scatter brained, glancing around the room randomly because she couldn't quite get a handle on what she was doing when she wasn't doing something. Feet swinging back and forth beneath her desk. Quill tapping on her desk to some unheard rhythm that was no doubt only in her head. Still she did always take notes and very good ones at that so there was no cause for alarm and this day was no different.
There on the corner of her desk was sat a sheet of parchment on which was detailed notes scribbled in sparkly purple ink. The lessons focus was the hardening spell which transformed an item into stone. Incantation: Duro. She even went about drawing a little sketch of the incomplete D for the wand movement.
Rylee watched Professor Grimsbane demonstrate the spell on a small pumpkin before telling them all to try the spell themselves. "DOO-roh... DOO-roh... DOO-roh.." she whispered several times both in her head and then out loud to get the feel of the word in her mind and on her tongue. "Duro." It wasn't a long incantation luckily. When she was sure that she was saying it properly she reached for her wand removing it from it's holster on her arm, flexing her fingers around it around it. Slowly she worked on the movement of her wand, a D but not a complete one, she didn't want to close it all the way at the end. Over and over and over again. Even when she was positive she was doing it right she did it again and again.
It was true that Rylee hadn't taken notice to Ewan, sorry but this was usually how she got when she was actually focused. No offense or anything to him. On the other hand Dorian did manage to catch her attention. This was most likely due to the fact that not only was he sat beside her but also because he had said her name, well technically he had said 'Rosie' first but that was still her! "Huh?" The lioness asked pulling herself free of her little bubble of focus and turning to face her friend a smile growing wide on her face when she spotted the stone feather he was holding in his hand. "Whoa! You did it, Declan! That's awesome!" To her it didn't matter how many times it took her friends to accomplish a task. One try or ten thousand, an accomplish was an accomplish no matter how big or small.
A quick glance was send over her shoulder at Reese to see how he was doing with before she bent down to grab her bag rummaging through it for her other quill. Pulling out the quill she set it on her desk and took a slow breath in, held it, then let it out slowly.
She raised her aiming it at the quill on her desk. She wanted it to turn into stone. Closing her eyes slowly she cleared her thoughts visualizing it in her head like both Ace and Garry had taught her to do. If she could see it, she could feel it. Once she could feel it, then she could give it a try. "Duro!" Rylee spoke clearly tracing the movement of her wand in an almost complete 'D' but not quite putting all her heart and soul into it as she fully visualized the quill on her desk turning to stone.
There on here were her quill once sat was now a stone quill. Rylee grinned sitting back in her chair, feet swinging back and forth, returning her wand to its holster on her arm.
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