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"Oh, I see," he said surveying the scene. "Guess you were really getting into it." Because how else could she have knocked that thing on the floor? Only too much energy could have done it. That, or maybe she was just seriously clumsy. "Do you do art stuff a lot?" he asked. "I was thinking of playing around with some of the stuff in here."
"I'm Edmund," he said, taking her paint smeared hand with his. "You're welcome," He said with a grin. "After all, the quicker we clean it, the quicker you can get back to your art." And he would be able to fiddle about with some of the interesting equipment too. "I just don't think we will be able to use these rags for anything else." He said looking at the paint soaked things.
Truth was, Olivia was just getting started.
"Not quite an artist..." she admitted to the Gryffindor.
"But I like seeing colors...and rainbows and....and...unicorns." Those stuffs. Too girly. But she liked it. That's why she was always in here. Her go-to place whenever she needed some time to forget about homework and classes.
"What do you want to do?" He mentioned something about playing around.
"Are you here to channel your inner-creative-calling into creating the perfect artwork?" Creative!Olivia sadly, didn't reside in creating paintings or drawings but in a dance sports called gymnastics. Her creative calling involved gliding in the air twirling a long ribbon dancing like a fairy.
"Nice meeting you Edmund." The boy accepted her handshake when Olivia realized her hands were full of art paint.
"Oh. I'm sorry Edmund." She tried to removed the paint transferred to the boy's hand but she only made it worse.
"We have to throw these rags."