SPOILER!!: Viviiiaan!
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It did have its perks, being in the same house as her sister. But perhaps Vivian wasn't the type to do homework for Eloise. She already had trouble figuring out how to finish her own in such a cramped up schedule. How much more finding the time to do Eloise's? Asking help was okay, though, she figured. "I'll pass the message on to her later when I find her." Or the other way around. The Head Girl had unusual sleeping places when she was on the brink of passing out. "There are loads of first years you can befriend, and even people from your house. You also have a lot of time, so don't rush." She still had about seven-ish years left.
Vivian wasn't against face painting. In fact, she found that to be really amazing as a child. Not much now, since she no longer had the time... and zits on the face were a thing. Sometimes, being a teenager sucked. But then her face distorted a tiny bit at the mention of... a what tube? "Pardon my ignorance, but what's YouTube?" Was that a legit thing? She'd never really heard of it, and it seemed like a weird name to name... well, whatever it was.
And the Head Girl definitely wasn't advocating snog sessions to younger students, especially first years. No way. She would choke on her own food if she found out someone as young as her little sister actually snogged. That... never really crossed her mind as an eleven year old. "That's very sweet of you," Vivian smiled a tiny bit. They'd been dating a year now, and she was still overwhelmed by how lucky she was. Then she sort of wondered if Oli had an adorable school girl crush on someone. Hmm.
"I'm sure Eloise would rather do something else than to stick around with her Head Girl sister during patrol," Vivian couldn't help but wink. She loved that kid, though, no doubt. Patrolling didn't seem like something for the younger Fairfield, who seemed to be easily bored. "But if that's alright with you, I see no problem with you tagging along." Pause. "Unless it's curfew patrol, that is. And if I'm scheduled to patrol with Flynn, that's a no too." Just in case. It would save her from getting headaches with just having to deal with those two scenarios.
... Err. "Yeah, I call him Coleslaw. But please, don't call him that too." And while calling him a salad started off as a joke, it had stuck in the long run. Vivian didn't like the thought of random people calling her co-prefect such a nickname because 1) it was hers to call him Coleslaw, sort of, and 2) Flynn would probably hunt her down if someone, besides her, did.
From the Hogwarts Express, she had made some friends, or so she thought. There was Ewan Jones, for one. Beth and Quinn, Reese and Rylee. Those were her mates from the compartment but she was sort of out of palce with their discussions. Beth and Quinn were mostly talking to each other since they were neighbors back at home, bestfriends even. Rylee and Reese were siblings. She was left with Ewan who she was too embarrassed to approach due to the embarrassing incident at Diagon Alley. She couldn't really tell if she had made friends. She had Quinn and Chloe as room mates. Chloe was almost always with her brother too. And there was Nettie! And Leecey too. Just to name a few. But none she could really call a friend yet. Vivian would be first, definitely.
"I'll take a note of that. " She smiled at Vivian. She'd be adding Eloise's name later once she meets her.
"It's sort of like a recording of a reality, moving images." Olivia thought of a better explanation, "
Like a moving photograph. Similar to how Wendelin The Weird was presented on her portrait down here." She pointed to the painting.
"It's moving, see? My Mum... while playing the violin was being recorded----painted by someone." Sort of like that. Did she spelled it out right? Did the Head Girl understood what a Youtube was? Olivia was a Pureblood but having lived around Muggles for more than a decade, she almost adapted to their ways of living.
Olivia watched Vivian, as a tiny smile crept from her lips. She wouldn't go beyond asking her how did they met. That sounded too personal and too mature for little Oli. She wasn't thinking of getting a
boyfriend yet. Not until she passes her OWLs and her NEWTs.
Eloise would be a no show according to Vivian. But she did accepted Olivia's offer to help her out. OhYeah!
With all her strength, Olivia stood in tiptoe, trying to catch Vivian's neck pulling her into a tight hug. SHE WAS SO HAPPY, she couldn't contain it.
"I promise you. I would almost be invisible to Flynn." she raised her right palm in promise.
"...AND I won't call him Coleslaw." She tried not to ask but she still did.
"Why Coleslaw?"