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Unlike last term, Rylee knew about the hot springs that were out on the grounds and came prepared. While she may have made a friend last term she didn't quite want to annoy anyone else again.
The first chance she got that wasn't spent in lessons, exploring, or practicing for Quidditch she made her way to the hot spring. As she drew closer she spotted someone else there and smiled softly, at least she wouldn't be completely alone. Setting her towel down on the side, she slipped her over-sized hoodie off and set that aside as well. "Hi, Lydia! I hope you don't mind some company!"
Was Lydia's swimsuit purple as well?! Rylee giggled noticing this as she slipped down into the water slowly letting the warmth wash over her. It was like heaven. Would it be possible to take a short nap right now?
Rylee!" said Lydia with excitement as she saw the familiar Gryffindor wander over toward the hot springs. "
It's good to see you again. We haven't had a chance to hang out since term started."
Lydia lolled around in the water. It was as if she could feel all the tension and negative energy in her body draining away. If only they had things like this in London! Realizing she'd have to go back home from the summer away from all of this made Lydia groan internally. How would she survive?
How has the school year been going for you?" asked Lydia. "
I feel like I'm struggling to catch up with everything, but I'm having so much fun."