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Gaston flattened his dark hair back down as the breeze ruffled and smiled at Patrick. "It is a gorgeous day," he agreed, leaning on the rail of the bridge. He wasn't exactly sure how to reply to the mention of the farm, seeing as he'd never actually visited one. The closest he'd come to that was reading a few books with a farm setting. "That must've been... unbearable. Granted, I don't know much about farms, but I've lived through a heat wave or two myself." Like that summer before his fourth year when his parents' air conditioner went out, for example. "So do you like farming, aside from the hot weather?"
His bright blue eyes scanned the horizon as he waited for an answer. He could almost see to his house in Hogsmeade from here, and a fresh pang of longing for his wife and daughter gripped his heart. He was so lost in thought that he forgot he wasn't alone until Patrick asked him about his summer. "My summer was pleasantly uneventful," he replied. No possessions, no hawks, no psycho Ilvermorny professors and their cult. "It was nice to have time off with my wife and daughter. We spent most of the summer in London- my wife has family there."
He chuckled, the farm life wasn’t well known even in the states.
“The heat is the worst part. Farming is fun, but I think I enjoy it most because its time spent with my grandparents.” He looked out over the grounds. His family moved from Europe to the States before he was born, his grandparents had moved with them and started a life there. Now they weren’t there all the time like before he missed that.
“I enjoy the unity it brings, I’m really close with my family so that’s what I miss.”
Nodding his head, Patrick listened to the fact that he had an uneventful summer. Sometimes uneventful was perfectly okay because that meant nothing could go wrong, most times.
“Family time is the best time. Traveling is also a great way to spend the summer, how old is your daughter?” Patrick found himself invested in the conversation at hand far more than he thought he would be.