SPOILER!!: Vivian!
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Once she was finished checking the Ravenclaw's class schedule, Vivian had folded it back to its original form and offered it back to her. "Her name is Eloise," she replied. Some people were also rather shocked to find out that there was another Fairfield at Hogwarts, and one who wasn't blonde. Eloise mostly took from their mum, who had naturally ginger hair. "She's a Slytherin like me." And she had honestly thought Eloise would get sorted into Gryffindor, given how crazy the younger Fairfield could be. However, Vivian wasn't complaining. It was better to monitor Eloise's shenanigans, being in the same house. "I can let her know you want to meet her?" It amused Vivian, though. Eloise didn't seem like the type to make fast friendships, but considering how Vivian hadn't heard complaints yet. It must mean something?
Oh, the art classroom! Vivian made a double take for a moment. That was in the first floor, she recalled, staircases away. "I've never really been there," the blond shared. Arts wasn't her thing, and Vivian couldn't even draw a proper crup without making it look deformed. "The violin's pretty interesting." Would be nice to learn it, she thought, but she didn't really have the time these days.
But the question that followed took Vivian by surprise. It was adorable and scary, how blunt these first years were. It made her wonder if she was just as straight-forward when she was eleven. She most probably was. "Well, I'm usually with Skylar, the Slytherin captain, or any of my dorm mates, or my sister." Who were all girls, by the way. Ahem. "Or if you meant my fellow Slytherin prefect, Coleslaw? I have patrol duties with him." The story behind how that happened, she will leave out. "Unless you mean the tall attractive seventh year boy who walks me to class? Yeah, that's my boyfriend." She couldn't help but grin. And oh no, it definitely wasn't a biased way of describing Chase Keighley. Not at all.
A bummer, indeed. Vivian didn't really see the point of having private common rooms as a kid. But now that she was older and a student leader at that, she realised it was usually for strategic planning on how to win the House Cup and all. But still, she would have loved to drop by other common rooms when she got bored. "It's fine. I'm sure you'll bump into me some other time." When she was patrolling, that is.
As for the younger Ravenclaw's offer, Vivian pondered again. It was funny, she thought. Why would a first year want to patrol with her in the first place? First year Vivian wouldn't have wanted to do that. It was legit tiring stuff. "I woooould but what exactly do you expect from tagging along with me?" Vivian didn't mind the company at all. But maybe not when she patrolled with Flynn. She knew her friend hated first years and Ravenclaws, and Oli was an unfortunate combination of both dislikes.
Olivia took a mental note of Vivian's sister's name. Eloise Fairfield. Slytherin. How exciting could that be, having a sister and having your sister share dorms with you. Eloise could just knock on her sister's room and ask her to do all of her homework.
"Yes! You can tell her that." Olivia said excitedly.
"I don't have much friends yet, so I'd love to." If only she could bring Ely at Hogwarts but he was already too old for these kinds of stuffs. He's actually engaged to marry his long time girlfriend Jean Summers next year.
Then the art classroom.
"I like coloring books and doing some marks on my arm." And face painting, which she enjoys the most. She admired her mother's tattoos so much that she wanted one right when she comes of age. Her mother had one mark circled on her arm. Just like Pocahontas. She never really had any chance to ask her about it but her Aunt Jasmine once mentioned that she had it back when was still studying at Hogwarts. Some of her friends got a tattoo like her.
"My Mum was a Youtube personality back when she was a tiny lil' girl playing violin!" That was a slip! Definitely a slip. She remembered telling Ewan that she never got her Mum's genes. But here she was realizing that Olivia Hurst was
Olivia could tell that the Head Girl was quite startled by her
boyfriend question. The little Ravenclaw was used to people dating (but not people snogging, mind you! EEEEWWW!) because she almost always tags along with Ely and Jean's dates.
"You look like you suit each other." Yes, she knew Skylar Diggory too. She'd seen her play during Quidditch matches.
Olivia just nodded with Vivian as she reassured that there would be loads of time that they would be bumping into each other.
"I like exploring. And with you I think I'd be in good hands. You can bring Eloise too, if she'd like to join?" Vivian also mentioned something about 'Coleslaw The Prefect' patrolling with her.
"By Coleslaw, do you mean Prefect Kowalski?" Olivia asked trying to contain a giggle. How on Earth did he became a Coleslaw from a Kowalski?