Join Date: May 2008 Location: Hobbiton
Posts: 24,243
Hogwarts RPG Name: ??? Ravenclaw Hogwarts RPG Name: Ronnie Thurkell Gryffindor Seventh Year
x12 x12
| Last chance at the obstacle course! lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet SPOILER!!: defender Daisy Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra When Bel gave Daisy some words of encouragement, Daisy gave the Hufflepuff Captain a brief thumbs up as she made her way down the middle of the pitch. Daisy wanted to make sure that the speed of her broom was maintained at a fast but safe level as she headed towards the coronas. Daisy flew through eleven out of twelve of the coronas which was one better than the first attempt so she was feeling pretty pleased with herself.
Daisy then headed for the goal hoops as the Quaffle was thrown for her to try and block from getting through the hoops. She didn't want to do anything complicated this time so as the Quaffle neared the left hoop, Daisy punched the Quaffle to stop it from entering the hoop, thanks to her boxing training. "Nice one, Daisy!" Bel called out when Daisy punched the quaffle, and she wrote down a few notes for herself about Daisy's technique. All of her notes she'd be sharing with Professor Baldvinsson afterwards. SPOILER!!: Madcap Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Maddie was actually pretty calm as she hovered there at the goal hoops. She surprised herself by not really even being nervous about this at all. That is, until Bel hurled the quaffle toward her at an amazing speed. It caught Maddie off guard, and she momentarily froze before jumping back into action and making an attempt at a block. In the end, the quaffle soared through the goal hoop, as it was only brushed by Maddie's attempt and not even bothered at all.
That one stung and left Maddie so disappointed. Well, she supposed, you win some and you lose some, and at least she'd still made that goal a few minutes ago. The obstacle course wasn't a full failure. Plus, she wasn't quite finished with her first round, and still had one of the most exciting parts to go---THE MARSHMALLOWS! She gave her captain an apologetic look just before flying down to pick up a bat.
How Bel was testing them on all the positions was becoming more and more clear. This next one was for Beater, and the last had been for Keeper. The one where Maddie had made a goal had been for Chaser. Bat in hand, the third year steered her broom toward the marshmallows, made a determined face at them, and then flew toward the finish line in an attempt to not get smashed. Maddie was able to steer around the first few, and she even had better luck with the next one. She decided to try her luck at smashing it with the bat, and upon impact, she sent it soaring away. "YEAH!" she cheered, and in that exact instant, one smacked her in the face. She couldn't help but laugh. It had been kind of awesome, and now her face was a mixture of splatted bug and marshmallows. She dodged a few more marshmallows, then raised her bat a second time. With one hand keeping the broom under control, she was able to smack a second marshmallow away from her. This time, though, she skipped the cheering part.
...and on that note, she'd cleared round one of the obstacle course. "Onya, Maddie!" Bel whooped her encouragement as the younger girl got through the marshmallows, and in the end, the course itself. She'd done great! And Bel of course was one to appreciate the younger girl's enthusiasm, being the enthusiastic sort herself. SPOILER!!: Defender Daisy Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Daisy flew down to collect a bat and really give those enchanted marshmallows a good seeing to. She powered her broom and weaved her way through the marshmallows giving a number of them a huge whack with the bat, hoping that none of the marshmallows once again came into contact with her robes. She decided that she wasn't going to inspect her robes until she had finished the course.
She sped past the finish line, curious as to whether or not she improved on her time. She looked at her robes and found that only one marshmallow had made contact. And Daisy was through her second go at the course. Bel hoped her dormmate was having a good time, and also that she was distracted from her grief. Bel knew the other girl was having a tough go of things lately. Quidditch would help, right? "Nice one, Daisy!" SPOILER!!: Eagle Eye Emmalyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom “Thanks, Captain!” She was hovering near the starting line, ready to make her second attempt at the course. Daisy had zipped out first and was doing a fantastic job of her second go round. “Ready, set, go!” She yelled as she sprinted towards the first set of obstacles. The barrier walls had met their match. Her body was low as she maneuvered left and right, dodging the barriers and keeping as close to a straight trajectory as possible. The more she wiggled, the more time it would take to conquer the course.
Her determination didn’t waver as she blasted past the final barrier and bolted forward to snag a quaffle. This time she was able to grab it on the first try. Barely slowing enough to make the turn, she pivoted mid-air and hurtled the quaffle with her left hand, up over her head and towards the center hoop. “Score!” she cheered as her broom finished the turn and sprinted towards the middle of the pitch. The coronas were next and she wasn’t going to touch one this time though.
Her mind stayed focus, her body tight to her broom, as she finished the sprint and headed into the first corona. A slight lean to the left took her though the dead center of the next. Her slight hip movements carried her through the remaining coronas, left then right, minor movements and just fast enough to keep up her time, but not so fast to lose control. Emmalyn was doing great on the coronas! Bel had noted down the younger girl's progress, through barriers and scoring and dodging coronas and now she was ready to throw a quaffle for her to block. She'd definitely improved her speed so far through this second run, according to the stopwatch. SPOILER!!: Madcap Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Alright. One more go if it. That is, unless, Bel had something else planned for them. As Maddie made a clockwise turn around the pitch and headed back to the start line, she thought about how she'd performed so far. She thought she'd done pretty well, even if she had missed Bel's throw. She'd get it next time, though! That was her round two goal!
Reaching the starting point, Maddie made another sprint toward the barriers. She'd been through them once, so she knew more of what to expect than she had last time. That didn't mean there wouldn't be any surprises, but she wasn't going into it with her eyes wide shut, so to speak.
As she approached the barriers, Maddie reminded herself to stay low and not fly above them. She'd managed to pass the barriers the first time without brushing against three of them, but this time, she focused more on not doing that. Maddie steered her broom around the barriers, making sure to turn in just the right places, so she wouldn't hit anything. She'd gotten through all of them with no mistakes whatsoever, when she misjudged her distance from the last barrier and bumped it just a little. "UGH!" she yelled into the wind. She'd only hit one barrier this time, which was better than the three she'd hit before, but it wasn't the perfect score she was aiming for. She sighed and turned her focus to the next obstacle in the course---the quaffle through the goal hoop. This was the position she was trying out for, so Maddie wanted so badly to make the goal this second time, as well. Maddie flew toward the pile of quaffles and scooped one up. This time, she was ready to balance broom and quaffle at the same time, and so she was already in a steady position with one hand on the broom and the other gripping the quaffle. Maddie's eyes narrowed in on the goal hoop in the middle, and she raised her arm in a way that would hopefully result in the perfect aim.
She hurled the quaffle forward, and for the second time, it soared through the goal hoop. Maddie's second go was definitely one Bel was interested to watch. Sometimes just being familiar with what was expected of you could change how well you did the next time. And the barriers WERE tough, because you had to think about dodging between them and keeping your height right, and the ground being nearby could be pretty distracting. But it was a good thing too since it would help everyone be a bit braver and not overthink low flying when it was required in a match. "Nice one, Maddie!" That was a brilliant goal! SPOILER!!: daredevil Derfael Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Derf was mostly laughing to himself as his toss hit the post and then fell to the ground with a thud in the sand around the base. There wasn't really time to linger on a missed toss, you know? It was like in the heat of a match. Things didn't go the way you hoped and all you could do was just keep on flying and try to do better the next time. Though it WAS a bit embarrassing to not even be on frame when there wasn't even a keeper around, but he shook that off rather easily. "Or I won't," he laughed, throwing Emmalyn a wink as he speed off towards the coronas after making his U-turn around the hoop that he had hit. "Did hit the smaller target thoooooooooooooough."
So that...sorta counted for something, yeah? Dad used to joke about it how in football it should be worth more points if you hit the goal post as opposed to getting it in the net. He was a little inclined to agree at the moment.
The zigzag path required to fly through the coronas was easy enough for him to manage and his stronger arms and broader shoulders helped make those sharp turns, well, sharper. It was something he had had to practice over the summer at quidditch camp, getting used to his new bulk and how to compensate for it in tighter situations. Though, well, he couldn't help giving one of the rings a bit of a high five as he zoomed through it - since he knew that it was not solid and his hand would pass right through it and all. Sorta like pretending that he was high fiving a cloud, you know?
Which now brought him to the other end of the pitch and the other series of whoops. He was actually much more confident in keeping than he was chasing, the defensive mentality and some of the same sharp movements towards balls and deflecting being along the same lines as playing beater. At least how his brain was processing it.
Grinning, Derf nodded his head in Bel's direction. "A'ight, hit me with your best shot," he called out to his friend as he straightened his posture on his broom.
Really...he just wanted to get to the marshmallows because his stomach was starting to rumble and he had a plan. "You asked for it!" Bel said. She was ready with a quaffle and she put all her strength into hurling it at one of the goals, knowing that she didn't have to hold back for Derf, not one bit. SPOILER!!: Madcap Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Maddie had learned her lesson about wasting time stopping for a quick cheer on the pitch. She was happy that she'd scored a second goal, but at the same time, she didn't want to perform badly during the last round of the obstacle course. She was still pretty proud of herself so far. If she didn't make it, she'd at least look back and know she gave it her all.
On that note, it was time for the coronas again. Maddie rounded her broom and saw the glowing circles ahead of her once again. She honestly couldn't remember how many of them she'd bumped up against last time (despite the fact they were just glowing circles and not solid ones). She just knew she wanted to make a perfect fly through as many of them as she could!
Maddie continued the sprint toward the circles, all the way eyeing the one closest to her and trying to judge her distance from it the best she could. When she reached it, she flew through it with ease. She managed to fly through all of them except one, which she misjudged and got a little too close to the left side. Even still, Maddie figured this time was better than the last time she'd been at this point.
Maddie didn't stick around to regret that last hoop any further. She started in on the sprint toward the next hoops, which were the hoops she'd try her hand at Keeper on. The first time she'd made a try for it, she'd missed the block, but this time she was hoping she'd do much better. As in, she was hoping she'd actually block the quaffle. Soon enough, Maddie reached the goal hoops, and she turned toward Bel as she awaited the throw. "Nice flying, Maddie!" Bel said. She did pretty good at those coronas, and she seemed to be really getting in the swing of things. She threw a quaffle for her next and held her breath, waiting to see if Maddie would block it. SPOILER!!: Eagle-eye Emmalyn Quote:
Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom After finishing the last part of the coronas, she leaned forward and rocketed towards the hoops. She was determined to block the quaffle and not have another goal scored on her. Her positioning was perfect, the wind was in her favor, and her body was itching to intercept. Her eyes locked on their target as the quaffle came hurtling towards the goals. She darted left, trying to beat the quaffle to the hoop. Her hand reached out, her broom zoomed a head, but the quaffle slipped right past and through the goal hoop. "I guess Keeper is not the position for me." she said with a shrug of her shoulders, already over the miss and ready to conquer the rest of the course.
Swiftly zipping down, she grabbed a beaters bat and entered the marshmallow zone. She was on it. She swung to the left and blasted a marshmallow, then whipped to the right and slammed into another, sending it soaring away. Her giggles of joy growing with each contact her bat made with a marshmallow. "This is so much fun!" She imagined her bat as a giant flaming marshmallow toaster and beat her way through the marshmallow forest.
When she was finally free and safe from marshmallow attack, she rocketed towards the finish line, trying to make up for any extra time spent unnecessarily on the course. She pulled up to a stop just after crossing the finish line, made a clockwise turn, and headed to where they started their stretching for the day. She wanted to be able to see her housemates finish the course and cheer them on. "Keep it up Hufflepuffs! You are all doing a great job!"
Hovering closer to Daisy, she leaned in and asked "How do you think you did? I feel like I did okay with the chaser portions, but I completely tanked the keeper position part. I also have to say that I loved bashing those marshmallows. I could totally be a beater if it's that fun to smash things!" Her eyes were still filled with excitement and energy from running the course. "Never mind, Emmalyn!" Bel was still pretty pleased with how Emmalyn had done, even with missing the blocks, she was flying great! And she was glad that she was having fun with the marshmallows too. The idea behind that was to take away some of the fear of beating, because being timid with a bat wouldn't get anyone anywhere. "Nice work!" She called out when Emmalyn finished and joined Daisy. SPOILER!!: madcap Maddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana As Maddie hovered in the air and waited for the quaffle to be thrown, she thought about how badly she wanted this. She'd missed that first one, but she was too determined to miss this last one. But what if she---no. She was not going to think that way. She wanted this too much, and she was going to make it happen!
Maddie stared at Bel, but at the same time, she willed her body to be ready to dart to the left or right, or even up or down if need be. The odds of Bel throwing the quaffle straight to her were slim, so Maddie figured she would have to move in at least some other direction. When the quaffle finally came, Maddie was ready for it. Just as she suspected, she was going to have to move. The quaffle was coming to her slight left, so Maddie watched it for a bit before decided to shift her position to be in line with the quaffle.
Her broom was ready. Her eyes were ready. THIS WAS IT. In the final second, Maddie turned her broom and SMACK! She felt a weight blow against her broom, and in her surprise, it took her an extra second to realize she'd blocked the quaffle. "I DID IT! I DID IT!" she cheered. Okay, so she'd said no cheering, but this one was well-deserved. Maddie was still on an energy high as she soared toward the bats and scooped up one. Bring it on, marshmallows! Maddie was no Quidditch pro, but that last victory had her feeling like one. She almost felt unbeatable until a marshmallow smacked her in the face.
Hello, wake-up call.
She was back to 'Determined Maddie', and she began smacking the marshmallows away from her with such energy and determination, you would think all their lives depended on it. "UGH! TAKE THAT! OUT OF MY WAY!" she said to them. She was getting really in to these final seconds. When the last of the marshmallows were out of her way, Maddie soared to the finish line like a proud victor.
She had bug guts on her face and in her hair...and there were marshmallows stuck to the bug guts on her face and in her hair. Still, she'd made it.
[/DONE]. "Onya Maddie! You did great!" Bel said as Maddie finished up the two rounds of the obstacles. There were a few more people still finishing up of course, but they were nearly ready to move on.
To those who were waiting, having finished the two turns at the obstacle, Bel directed a new lot of instructions.
"Great job you guys! Take a quick water break, and then once everyone else finishes the obstacle course, we're going to all start working on some drills, and then after we're all done, I've got a little surprise lined up!" Bel told them. A chance to wind down together... after they'd all showered of course. She wanted to encourage the team vibe even now. ooc: We are wrapping up the obstacle course runs. Its okay to join in now if you haven't yet - the kids are to do two runs through, you can just RP the second one if you want, or both, and you can do it all in one post or in as many or as few posts as you want - just have fun with it! You have 48 hours from the time of this post to finish the obstacle course posts. After that we will be moving on to the kids trying out different positions. Please do not start the drills until directed by your captain! If you're waiting, your character can have a water break and chat with others, stretch, anything like that, just to give others a chance to finish RPing the obstacle course if they wish to do so (nobody HAS to, so don't stress!)
It is not too late to 'catch up'. If you're just joining us it would be great if you include a response to the greetings and introductions part, but if you choose not to that's okay - just title your post with the position your charrie is going for. If you are just joining us, information about the obstacle course can be found linked in the posts below. Its okay to jump in any time! Just pretend your character was here all along. If you haven't submitted the survey yet, please do so here. You have until the 18th of May. captain post index: welcome to tryouts greetings and introductions Starting the Obstacle Course (start here!) Observing the first run through More observations and encouragement
Last chance for obstacle course! (this post)
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 05-15-2018 at 01:25 PM.