2nd time blocking a goal-finish line. | Ravenpuff | Part Ninja | Boat Rocker | Exhausted Pigeon |
After finishing the last part of the coronas, she leaned forward and rocketed towards the hoops. She was determined to block the quaffle and not have another goal scored on her. Her positioning was perfect, the wind was in her favor, and her body was itching to intercept. Her eyes locked on their target as the quaffle came hurtling towards the goals. She darted left, trying to beat the quaffle to the hoop. Her hand reached out, her broom zoomed a head, but the quaffle slipped right past and through the goal hoop. "I guess Keeper is not the position for me." she said with a shrug of her shoulders, already over the miss and ready to conquer the rest of the course.
Swiftly zipping down, she grabbed a beaters bat and entered the marshmallow zone. She was on it. She swung to the left and blasted a marshmallow, then whipped to the right and slammed into another, sending it soaring away. Her giggles of joy growing with each contact her bat made with a marshmallow. "This is so much fun!" She imagined her bat as a giant flaming marshmallow toaster and beat her way through the marshmallow forest.
When she was finally free and safe from marshmallow attack, she rocketed towards the finish line, trying to make up for any extra time spent unnecessarily on the course. She pulled up to a stop just after crossing the finish line, made a clockwise turn, and headed to where they started their stretching for the day. She wanted to be able to see her housemates finish the course and cheer them on. "Keep it up Hufflepuffs! You are all doing a great job!"
Hovering closer to Daisy, she leaned in and asked "How do you think you did? I feel like I did okay with the chaser portions, but I completely tanked the keeper position part. I also have to say that I loved bashing those marshmallows. I could totally be a beater if it's that fun to smash things!" Her eyes were still filled with excitement and energy from running the course.
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