The young Gryffindor's knock disturbed some ridiculous antics that Celestia really shouldn't have been engaging in anyway. She had been given a
cat at the start of the previous term, which had so far spent long stretches of its time in the castle in the shape of a pygmy puff. Smaller critters were so much easier to manage, really, though it still did plenty of odd feline things. Celestia hadn't spent
much any time at all with creatures that weren't crups and so her knowledge of any creature's behavior that she wasn't teaching in class was sketchy at best.
Presently, the feline phenomenom had been positively gallavanting around her office and knocking spellbooks all over the floor. Celestia couldn't have that, and she had been about to Trasnfigure it into its smaller, more manageable form when the knock at her door sounded. Scowling at the cat, the Transfiguration professor stowed her wand back inside her purple robes and moved quickly to the door. She wondered briefly if any of her students would notice the pygmy puff's absence and the cat's appearance, but she rather doubted it. Celestia wrenched the door open with perhaps a bit more force than was necessary and forced the corners of her mouth to form a smile at the student standing outside -- who had a rather odd look on his face as well.
"Hello, Mr. Yoon. Why don't you come in?"She stepped to one side so that the boy could enter. Undoubtedly he was quite troubled by something...
OOC: Thanks for posting here first! Feel free to post your character entering the office in the office thread now