Originally Posted by
Devina Wellheart
Reese watched as she hastily wiped the Obviously were there before ya wiped 'em away tears.. But he understood the whole Not wanting to look weak bit too.. So, of course this little baby badger boy pretended he didn't see her puffy eyes and red splotched face... Crap!.. He was becoming ONE OF THEM!
Ya mean to tell me ya never heard about how and why the tree was planted here to begin with?!, he asked incredulously.. "And anyway... The Whompin' Willow didn't EAT yur cat. Now, I don't mind goin' with ya to get yur mean ole cat, but that tree will sooner smoosh us than let us go in that hole the cat squirmed through.. "
......Ari frowned.
"Wait wait... tell me why the tree was planted?!" So... Reese was saying that the tree didn't
eat her cat? Was he implying that the tree isn't
capable of eating cats, or rather, any type of flesh-bearing form of life? So there is... hope for ugly Pudgeface after all?
But Reese still said... he wouldn't
mind going with her to find Pudgeface? Ari cracked open a smile.
"Oh! You'll go with me?!" Of course, she was going to dragged him with her whether he agreed to it or not, but it was nice to see that he was on board, despite how unwilling he seemed.
"YOU'RE THE BEST!" Ari spread out her arms wide and wrapped them around the Hufflepuff boy and squeezed him in an unpleasantly tight hug.