There were times when he felt eyes on him, closely watching his every move. Sometimes he was right, other times he was only being paranoid... but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching him. Maybe a ghost had spotted him? Was he not supposed to be there? Or - he prayed it wasn't the case - maybe Peeves had found his next target?
Only one foot had made it inside the mysterious room, when he nearly jumped out of his skin as a vaguely familiar voice shouted. Clutching his chest, where his heart seemed intent on breaking out of his ribcage with the speed it was beating with, he turned to face the Ravenclaw boy with a frown. "Kid? I'm older than you." He knew he'd seen him at this year's sorting ceremony.
With that out of the way, frown replaced by a grin, he said, "I'm exploring. C'mon in if you want, no one's going to die." Hopefully. |