His girls! 1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me! Reese came to sit beside Quinn at her direction.. He couldn't help the fact that his little ginger heart was breaking for his newest best friend.. It wasn't fair that she had been basically locked away and halfway forgotten all because she had a deadly disease that had tried so desperately to extinguish her flame... UGH! His knuckles turned white from how tightly he was clenching his fists as she told him of cancelled birthdays and her parents' child-free vacations to exotic places.
He hadn't even realized that his expression had taken on a softer more sympathetic tone.. That he had reached out to touch her shoulder in an involuntary effort to show his support for her. " I bet Bethlebee'd be the best sister for ya if it were to ever work out that way.. Yur secret's safe with me, Quinnie.. ", he added as he gestured to lock his lips and hand her the imaginary key he'd just used. " I wonder if the Insendio charm'd work on it or if it's got protective enchantments against it?", he joked back to Beth with a cheeky grin.. He was so full of naughtiness when around these two and he loved it!
He nodded that he'd like to know what her deepest desires were.. After all... She HAD heard his, yes?... And so, she shared too what she had seen and he actually, wasn't at all surprised.. Anabeth seemed to like being the center of attention wherever they went.. But that is what he liked most about her... She made things fun and kept it interesting no matter where they were or what they were doing.. " Fits ya!.. Yur gonna hafta sing fur me now though.. Show me what ya got.. Maybe I could put some moves down on the beat? ", he added with a smile and a sparkle in his blue eyes.
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